Abjurar, rechazar: abhor
To state repeatedly: to affirm.
Asistir a clase: to attend.
Ayudar: to attend to.
Agobiarse: to agonise over.
Arreglar: to amend
Aparecer (abstract): to arise. “the problem arose”
Excitar/estimular: to arouse
Tener respeto/miedo a alg.: to be in awe of smbdy
Estar molesto con: to get annoyed by/with
Estar acusado/to be charge with: (to be) alleged to
Estar de acuerdo con alguien o algo: to agree with
Dar permiso: to agree to
Hacer de menos, no dar importancia: to belitle
Emitir: to broadcast/broadcast/broadcast
Idea de explotar, salir con fuerza: to burst/burst/burst
Despegar: to blast off
Arreglar un hueso: to set a bone
Atar: to bind
Tener/contar con: to boast. Exp: “Spain boasts a great variety of climates”
Criar: to breed
To bid: to offer
Presumir: to boast of/abaout
Prohibir: to bar from
Mochilar: to backpack
To support: to back
Fuego: blaze. 2. Centellear: to blaze. 3.Arder: to blaze.
Resumir: to boil down
Achicar: to bail out
Tener en cuenta: to bear in mind.
Temer: to be loathed to
Recordar: to come round
Estar desesperado porque ocurra algo: to crave
Comunicar: to convey
Acerse a la idea: to come to terms with
Coagularse la sangre: to clot
Contar con alg.: to count on
Moverse muy despacio: to creep/crept/crept
Conformar/formar: to comprise of/to
Agarrar flojo/coger: to clasp
Aparecer: to crop up
Alcanzar un compromiso: to compromise
Persuadir, hacer moder el anzuelo: to coax
Concluir, decidir: to come up with
Consistir :consist of
Aparecer en pantalla: to call up
Descubrir: to come upon. 2. Encontrarse
Dormir en el suelo: to doss down
Atrevese a: to dare to
Tenerle terror a algo: to dread +ing
Dispensar: to dispense
Prescindir: to dispense with
Engañar: to deceive
Babear: to dribble
Propinar, repartir: to deal/dealt/dealt
Embotar: to dull. Beber para ahogar el sufrimiento: to drink to dull the gief
Disfrazarse: to dress up.2. Vestirse elegante.
Poner todo el cuidado en: to devote one´s utmost care in
Disfrazarse/ocultar: disguise
Detractar/criticar: to detract
Distraer: to divert something
to distract someone
Deformar: distort
To avoid: to dodge
Negar: to disclaim.2. Renunciar (propiedad)
Empequeñecer: to dwarf
Mostrar: to depict
Taladrar: to drill. Hacer algo repetitivo: to drill.
Abrocharse botones, cremalleras, cinturones: to do up buttons, zips, and belts
Discriminar: to discriminate against
Idear: to devise
Desafiar: to defy
Condenar: to damn
Pedir: to demand from
Encarnar/personificar: to embody
Acabar de alguna forma: to end up
Adhesionarse: to engulf
Enfatizar: to emphazise. Poner énfasis en: to put emphazis on
Pegarse: to fix
Amañar un partido: to fix a match
Cumplir un deseo: to fulfil a wish
Estimar ( conceptos relativos al dinero): to estimate at; Portugal´s debt is estimated at 5
Salir en fila india: to file out
Entrar en fila india: to file in
Congelar: to freeze/froze/frozen
Bromear: to fool around
Cabrearse: to froth over
Preocuparse: to fret over
Caer: to fall/fell/fallen
Charlar: to gabble away
Agarrar: to grip
Conseguir que algo se te aferre: toget to the gips with
Saturar: to glut
Dar una oportunidad: to give a go
Atracarse: to gorge oneself
Intentar comunicarse: to get through to
Salir de la trinchera: to go over the top
Agarrar: to grab
Mirar: to gaze
Quejarse/gemir: groan
Obstaculizar (abstracto): to hinder
Protestar: to hold a protest
Celebrar: to host
Sujetar: to hold/held/held
Contratar: to hire
Tener/llegar a una idea: to hit on/upon
Oír alabanzas de: to hear high praise of
Dominar: to henpeck
To leave: to head off
To go: to head
Picar: to itch
Adquirir: to indulge
Influenciar: to influence. Tener influencia en: to have an influence on
Deduciendo de: inferring from
Juzgando por: judging by
Apoyarse: to lean against
Echarse la culpa: to lay the blame at one´s door
No saber cómo reaccionar; “to be at a loss
Asomarse por la ventana: to lean out of the window
Asomarse: to lean over
Animarse: liven up
Yacer: lie/lay/lain
Tomar una decisión: to make a decision
Portarse mal: to misbehave
Hacerse/ser una ruina: to make a loss
Regañar: to nag
To neglect (+inf): negarse a algo
Operar: to operate on
Mirar por un agujero: to peep
Oprimir, perseguir de forma injusta: to persecute
Perseguir legalmente: to prosecute
To chase: to pursue
Tender a (to tend to): to prone to
Abrirse paso: to plough through
to plow through
Cotorrear: to prattle away
Apoyarse: to prop
Machacar: to pound
Mirar detenidamente: to peer
Jadear de agotamiento: to pant
To provoke, to cause: to prompt
Tomar una decisión: to reach a decisión
Remar: to row
Ataque y retirada: to raid
Rechazar algo: to refuse (+inf)
Repetirse (un incidente): to recur
Devolver: to retract
Rozar: to rub
Rodar: to roll
To prove something to be wrong: to refute
Escalar: to scale
To rush forward: to surge
Asentarse: to settle down
Buscar: seek/sought/sought
Sembrar: to sow
Agitar: shake/shook/shaken
Encoge: to shrink/shrank/shrunk
Quemarse lentamente/consumirse: to smoulder
To train fighting: to spar
To go across: to span
Tomar notas: to scrap
Trastabillarse: to stumble .Trastabillarse en sus palabras: to stumble over one´s words
Felipar: to splutter
Tartamudear: to stammer
Mimar, arruinar: to spoil
Estafar, timar: to swindle
Coser: to sew/sewed/sewn
Subir muy rápido: to soar into the sky
Pegarse (pegamento): to stick
Enervar: to stir
Atornillar/desatornillar: to screw
Ser un caos: to be a shambles
Partir: to set forth
Estar destinado (sentido militar): to be stationed
Calar: to soak
Estar calado: to be soaked to the skin
Moverse como un ratón: to scurry
Atizar el fuego: to stoke
Agarrar: to seize
Manchar: to stain
Brotar: spring/sprang/sprung
Romperse en cachitos: to shatter
Cazar: to stalk
Empujar: to shive
Cuajar: to set
Mancillar: to sully
Refugiar: shelter (to take, to give)
Marca de carácter: (to have a) streak
Sobresaltar, sorprender: to startle
Tomar una decisión: to take a decision
Probar: to try +ing
Intentar: to try +inf
To get worse: to turn sour
To take out a subscription: suscribirse a
To decrease at a gentle pace: to tapper off
Andar por detrás: to trail
Invitar: to treat som. to
Castigar dura y legalmente: to throw the book at som.
Frustrar, malograr: to thwart
Experimentar: to try out
Experimentar, transformar: to undergo
Llevar a cabo: to undertake
to carry out
Desabrocharse los botones, las cremalleras, los cinturones: to undo buttons, zips and belts
Empeorar: to undermin
Revisar: to under view
Garantizar: to vouch
To believe: to vindicate
Saltar por encima de algo: to vault
Saltar por encima de algo: to vault
Estimar algo(que no tenga que ver con dinero) en dinero: to value at, a picture, a desk...
Moverse como la gelatina: to wobble
Entrenar: to work out
Deasaparecer a un ritmo gentil: to wane
Deshacerse de algo: to write off
Mandar/enviar: To write off to… for…
Girar el volante: to steer.
Adelantar: to overtake
Ir pegado: to stick to someone´s tail
Tocar el claxón: to hoot
Hacer rueda: To roar off
Ir a velocidad de crucero: to cruise along
Ir muy rápido: to tear along
Dar marcha atrás: to reverse
Calarse: to stall
Incorporarse: to pull out
Desincorporarse: to pull in
Parar: to pull up
B. Elementos y nombres asfálticos
Conductor: motorist
Motero: motorcyclist
Carril: lane
Bordillo: kerb
Torrentera: ditch
Ceda el paso: give way sign
Arcén: the hard shoulder
Carretera recta: straight stretch of road
Carretera en zig-zag: a hairpin bend
Calle cortada: a dead end
Test de alcohol: breathalyser test
Parachoques: bumper(s)
Efecto látigo: whiplash effect
Volcar: to overturn
Derrapar: to skid
Abollar: to dent
Girar: to spin
Golpear: to bump into
to bash into
Chocar de frente: to collide head on
Dar un frenazo: to slam on the brakes
Girar fuerte: to swerve
2.1 Tez
Una persona puede tener la tez: morena, gruesa/fina, angular/fornida:
“Features (rasgos) can be swarthy, coarse/fine, angular/thickset”
Una persona puede tener la tez pálida, roja, rosa, o bronceada:
Complexión can be pallid/pasty, rosy/flushed and bronzed.
2.2 Pelo
*Si se carece del mismo: bald, balding, bald patch, a receiding hairline.
“You are entering the fourties, sooner or later you´ll be balding”
“Despite the stiffling heat he put on his hat to disguise the bald patch in his neck”
“The receiding hairline is becoming a bald, indeed”-said Taylor.
*Si se tiene; puede estar grasiento, ralo o tener caspa.
“They took out the prisioner whose face was covered in the silver grey thining hair he had”
“Your greasy hair shines at night”
“I´ll be soon drown in dandroff unless you stop scratching your head”
*Peinado o no
“Even though he´s torie his hair have a parting on the right”
“He´s wig indeed. Even so his hair has a part on the left”
“His fringe defies gravity”
“His shoulder-lenght hair is now worn in a pony tail”
“As long as I don´t have hair enough to wear a pig-tail I´ll wear plaits”
“ere I to a latin country I´d brush my hair straight back”
2.3 Orejas
*OREJAS de soplillo:
Mr spock has rather sticking out eras.
2.4. Ojos, cejas y pestañas
Eyes, eyebrows, eyelash.
“His sunken blue eyes look so deep..”
“After the crash she gave him a startled look”
“The grass, the people, the noise... and even so i could perfectly distinguish a furious twinkle in his eyes”
“I wonder wether you can see with that disgusting bushy eyebrows”
“There´s even someone on the tv whose eyes are somewhat more close-set.”
“Should there be any comment abaout our squint director, you would be inmediately sacken”
2.5. NARIZ; respingona, aquilina
“Pluto has a nerverend snub nose.”
“Mr Carmona, have you ever been mistaken with a shark owing to your acquiline nose?”
2.6. Boca, labios, barbilla y papada:
*LABIOS: sobresalidos, fruncidos
“I really love those protruding liups she has.”
“Don´t purse your lips, temptation doesn´t captivate me.”
*BARBILLA: firme, partida/granuda, papada
“I´m astonished with his firm chin”
“The cleft chin makes a sharp division of his face”
“You´d better taken some tablets for that dimpled chin you have”
“In addition to his fleshy lips, the double chin emphazise his flabby features”
2.7. Barba, bigote, patillas.
*BARBA: Bien afeitado, de tres días, tupida
“Clean shaven men have a fresh air, do they not?”
“You look naughty with that five o´clock shadow on your face”
“He has a three days stubble.”
“Tangled/matted beards give a mature aspect.”
*BIGOTE: caído
“If only he didn´t have that nasty droopy moustache, he wouldn´t look so lazy.”
*PATILLAS: sideburns.
2.8.Arrugas, pecas y lunares: warts, freckles and moles.
·To be adj.+ish. “to be tallish, fattish, shortish” (ish = a litle)
·To be on the adj side. Meaning rather. He´s on the elderly side.
2.9 Adjetivos calificativos de
Activo, ambicioso, agresivo, ágil, enervante/irritante:
Bravo, audaz, bullicioso, demasiado desparpajo, engreido
Cauto, astuto, listo, elegante, sereno, superficial, variable, comprometido:
Demacrado, diabolico, dominante, aburrido, dinámico, temerario, resuelto
Relajado, energético, excéntrico, maligno, entretenido, encantador:
Flexible, franco, asustado, fatalista, firme, fascinante, gozador:
Generoso, agradecido, avaricioso, torpe, crédulo :
Histérico, demacrado, altanero,
trabajador, esperanzado, honesto, abatido:
Impetuoso, inteligente, ingenioso, inquisitivo, intelectual:
Celoso, jovial, alegre:
Interesado, de bondadoso corazón, leido:
Leal, amador, solitario, liberal, repugnante, agradable
Mórbido, tacaño, miserable, monstruoso, malhumorado:
Intolerante, asqueroso, notorio(bad), nervioso, cascarrabias, neurotico, de noble mentalidad, inconformista, pulcro, no enérgico, indiferente:
Tolerante, oportunista, obstinado, extrovertido, optimista:
Orgulloso, práctico, valeroso, prepotente
Active,ambitious, agressive, agile, aggravating
Brave, bold, boisterous, brash and bumptious
Cautious, cunning, clever, charming, cool, casual, changeable and committed
Drawn, diabolical, domineering, dull
dynamic, daring and decisive
Easygoing, energetic, eccentric, evil, entertaining and enchanting.
Flexible, frank, frightful, fatalistic, firm fascinating and fun-loving
Generous, grateful, greedy, gauche, gullible
Hysterical, haggard, haughty, hardworking, hopeful, honest and hang-dog.
Impetuous, intelligent, ingenious, inquisitive and intellectual
Jealous, jovial and jolly
Keen and kind-hearted, knowledgeable
Loyal, loving, lonely, liberal, loathsome and lik(e)able
Morbid, mean, miserable monstruous, and moody
Narrrow-minded, nasty, notorious, nervous, nagging, neurotic,noble-minded, non-conformist, neat, non-assertive nonchalant
Open-minded, opportunistic, obstinate, outgoing and optimistic
Proud, practical, plucky and pushy
Chapado a la antigua, callado/tranquilo, mariquita, ingenioso, peleón:
Reservado, de fiar, imprudente, inquieto, retraido, recto/justo:
Timido, sociable, despreciable, escéptico, servil, confiado, (auto)seguro, escrupuloso, sofisticado, escuálido, astuto, egoísta, tímido, modesto, seguro de sí, atolondrado, sagaz, malicioso, de hermana, pretensiones de super. moral
Con tacto, sin tacto, tenaz, taciturno, moderno:
No de fiar, sin escrúpulos, comprensivo, insensible, irracional, servicial, empalagoso, inaguantable, inabordable, discreto, feo, fino/cortés, zafio/burdo:
Violento, cruel, vano, virtuoso, vivaz, vociferante, volatil, vulnerable, vulgar, venerable, despistado, virulento:
Cálido, sabio, voluntarioso, ingenioso, salvaje, bien informado, bien educado, libertino, testarudo, retraido, adinerado:
Lleno de juventud, anhelante, complaciente:
Ferviente, vigoroso
Quaint, quiet, queer, quick-witted, quarrelsome
Reserved, reliable, reckless, restless, retiring and righteous.
Shy, sociable, scornful, sceptical, servile, self-reliant, self assured, scrupulous, sophisticated, scraggy, sly, selfish, self-conscious, self-effacing, self-confident, scatter-brained, shrewd, spiteful, sisterly, self-righteous
Tactful, tactless, tenacious, taciturn and trendy
Unreliable, unscrupulous, understanding, unfeeling, unreasonable, up-and-coming, unctuous, unbearable, unapproachable,
unobstrusive, unsightly, urbane and uncouth.
Violent, vicious, vain, virtuous, vivacious, vociferous, volatile, vulnerable, vulgar, venerable, vague and vitriolic.
Warm, wise,willing, witty, wild, web-informed, well-bred, wanton, wilful, withdraw, well-off
Youthful, yearning and yielding
Zealous and zestful.
Abjurar, rechazar: abhor
Distante: aloof
Eficacia: accuracy. En lo que a eficacia concierne: as far as accuracy concerns.
To state repeatedly: to affirm.
Asistir a clase: to attend.
Ayudar: to attend to.
Dolor: agony.
Agobiarse: to agonise over.
Huerta: allotment
Similar: alike
Arreglar: to amend
Arreglo: amendment
Aparecer (abstract): to arise. “the problem arose”
Excitar/estimular: to arouse
Amplio: ample
Bala: (round of) ammunition
Pensión: alimony
Tener respeto/miedo a alg.: to be in awe of smbdy
Estar molesto con: to get annoyed by/with
Brusco: abrupt
Estar acusado/to be charge with: (to be) alleged to
Estar de acuerdo con alguien o algo: to agree with
Dar permiso: to agree to
Acordar una cuestión económica: to agree on
Considerar seriamente para después dar una opinión: (to make an _ of) appraisal
Arduamente: ardently
Pista de aterrizaje silvestre: airstrip
Bruscamente: brusquely
Hacer de menos, no dar importancia: to belitle
To be slightly puzzled and confused: (to be) bemused
Emitir: to broadcast/broadcast/broadcast
Idea de explotar, salir con fuerza: to burst/burst/burst
Cardenal/moratón: bruise
Forúnculo: boil
Ampolla: blister
Fat flushed old woman: blowsy
Brío/brioso: brisk
Tímido: bashful
Catarro: blocked nose
Bicho: bug
Despegar: to blast off
Hueso: bone. Arreglar un hueso: to set a bone
Atar: to bind
Problema: a bind
Tener/contar con: to boast. Exp: “Spain boasts a great variety of climates”
Criar: to breed
Presumir: to boast of/abaout
Presuntuoso: boastful
Prohibir: to bar from
Guiño (tic): blink
Mochilar: to backpack
To support: to back
Busto: bossom
Apenas: barely
Brisa: breeze
Ventisca: blizzard
Mucho calor: baking hot
boiling hot.
Fuego: blaze. 2. Centellear: to blaze. 3.Arder: to blaze.
Resumir: to boil down
Achicar: to bail out
Basin: pila de lavar
Tener en cuenta: to bear in mind.
Lona, lienzo:canvas
Camping: camping site
Acampada libre: rough camping
Recordar: to come round
Estar desesperado porque ocurra algo: to crave
Comunicar: to convey
Acerse a la idea: to come to terms with
Calambre: cramp
Coagularse la sangre: to clot
Irreflexivo: cavalier.2. Irrespetuoso
Contusión: concussion
Estreñimiento: constipation
Muy pequeño, reducido: confined
Baja: casualty
Urgencias: casualty department
Coherente: consistent
Desprecio: comptent
Contar con alg.: to count on
Moverse muy despacio: to creep/crept/crept
Conformar/formar: to comprise of/to
Despreciante: comptuous
Cintas círgenes: blank casettes
Agarrar flojo/coger: to clasp
Torcido: crooked
Despreciable: comptentible
Escote: cleavage
Aparecer: to crop up
Carne de cañon: cannon fodder
Chaparrón: cloudburst
Repollo: cabbage
Alcanzar un compromiso: to compromise
Adecuado, fácil: convenient
Capa: cloak
Persuadir, hacer moder el anzuelo: to coax
Cojo: cripple
Concluir, decidir: to come up with
Frío/fresco: chilly
Cruel: callous
Revisión del coche: to get one´s car serviced
Dependiendo de: consequent upon
Aparecer en pantalla: to call up
Desgraciado: creep
Cartas (de navegación): (navigation) charts
Patio: courtyard
Calleja asfaltada: cobbled lane
Descubrir: to come upon. 2. Encontrarse
Dishearted/ depressed: downcast
Destreza: dexterity
Dormir en el suelo: to doss down
Atrevese a: to dare to
Tenerle terror a algo: to dread +ing
Rollo/coñazo: a drag
Dispensar: to dispense
Prescindir: to dispense with
Asqueroso: distasteful
Mareado: dizzy
Engaño: deceit, guile
Engañar: to deceive
Aventureros: dashing
Babear: to dribble
Propinar, repartir: to deal/dealt/dealt
Consulta del doctor: Doctor´s surgery
Producto lácteo: dairy product
Idear: to devise
Apropiado: duly
Una desgracia: a disgrace
Mustio/aburrido: dull. 2.Nuboso: dull
Embotar: to dull. Beber para ahogar el sufrimiento: to drink to dull the gief.
Pardo: dun
Muy severo: draconian
Artificial: dummy
Prblemas: disturbance
Disfrazarse: to dress up.2. Vestirse elegante.
Poner todo el cuidado en: to devote one´s utmost care in
Fiable: dependable
Disfrazarse/ocultar: disguise
Detractar/criticar: to detract
Distraer: to divert something
to distract someone
Deformar: distort
To avoid: to dodge
Pelea de cazas: dogfight
Negar: to disclaim.2. Renunciar (propiedad)
Empequeñecer: to dwarf
Mostrar: to depict
Taladrar: to drill. Hacer algo repetitivo: to drill.
Abrocharse botones, cremalleras, cinturones: to do up buttons, zips, and belts
Chaparrón: downpour
Chirimiri: drizzle
Caro (pagar caro): dearly (to pay_)
Caverna: dungeon
Inservible: defunct
Irrepetuoso: dismissive
Discriminar: to discriminate against
Desafiar: to defy
Caído: droppy
Sobrecogedor/aterrador: daunting
Carajo: damn.2. Condenar: to damn
Pedir: to demand from
Day after day: day in, day out
Día a día (para cmbios graduales en el tiempo): Day by day
Por muchos días (duración): for days on end
Fascinante: enthralling
Aunque: even tough
No obstante: even so
Inútil: effete
Evasiva: elusive
Caricia: endearment
Prescindible: expendable
Relajado: easygoing
Encarnar/personificar: to embody
Acabar de alguna forma: to end up
Adhesionarse: to engulf
Enfatizar: to emphazise. Poner énfasis en: to put emphazis on
Olmo: elm
Fluidez: fluency
Horrible: frightful
Pegarse: to fix
Conjunto de animales (manada, bandada...): a flock of
En lo que a fluidez refiere: as far as fluency goes
Lugares de farra: fleshpots
Amañar un partido: to fix a match
Cumplir un deseo: to fulfil a wish
Caza: a fighter
Piso completamente equipado: self-contained flat
Pelicula principal: feature film
Salir en fila india: to file out
Entrar en fila india: to file in
Braguetas: flies
Logros: feats
Congelar: to freeze/froze/frozen
Bromear: to fool around
Cabrearse: to froth over
Preocuparse: to fret over
Lands: folds
En buena hora: a fine time. Exp: “En buena hora me dices que no cenas aquí”
“This is a fine time to tell me you are not going to have supper here”
Caer: to fall/fell/fallen
Charlar: to gabble away
Agarrar: to grip
Conseguir que algo se te aferre: toget to the gips with.
Lo fundamental/la idea: the gist
Glamouroso: glitzy
Saturar: to glut
Extenuante: gruelling
Raspón: a graze
Dar una oportunidad: to give a go
Atracarse: to gorge oneself
Intentar comunicarse: to get through to
Salir de la trinchera: to go over the top
Vestido: gown
Agarrar: tograb
Mirar: to gaze
Quejarse/gemir: groan
Viento fuerte: gale
Soplo de viento: a gust of wind
Obstaculizar (abstracto): to hinder
Accesorios/pijadas: gimmicks
Sonrisa: grin
Progreso: a headway
Protestar: to hold a protest
Humilde: humble
Caos: havoc
Sujetar: to hold/held/held
Alergia: hay fever
Resaca: hangover
Contratar: to hire
Tener/llegar a una idea: to hit on/upon
Oír alabanzas de: to hear high praise of
Deprisa: hastily
Desafortunado: hapless
Granizo: hail
To take care, to take in: to harbour
Humedad: humidity
Húmedo: humid
Therefore: hence
Dominar: to henpeck
Calzonazos: henpecked
Deprisa: in haste
Peligro: hazard
To leave: to head off
To go: to head
Jorobado: hunchbacked
Picar: to itch
Adquirir: to indulge
En contraste: in contrast
Chubascos aislados: isolated showers/scatered showers
Irritante: irksome
Influenciar: to influence. Tener influencia en: to have an influence on
Deduciendo de: inferring from
By chance: incidentally.2. Por si acaso
Impermeable, impasible: impervious
Articulaciones: joints
Juzgando por: judging by
Muelle, dique: key
Bien, apropiado: kosher
Caseta de perro: (dog) kennel
Tapadera: lid
Apoyarse: to lean against
Pensión: lodging house
Echarse la culpa: to lay the blame at one´s door
Lánguido, apático: listless
Bombilla: lightbulb
Pérdida: loss. No saber cómo reaccionar; “to be at a loss”
Loable: laudable
Ni siquiera: let alone
Asomarse por la ventana: to lean out of the window
Asomarse: to lean over
Animarse: liven up
Yacer: li/lay/lain
Forro interior de la ropa: lining
Tomar una decisión: to make a decision
Travieso: mischievous
Bloques de pesos: multi-storey-bloacks
Sarampión: measless
Mal: malaise
Misa: mass
Portarse mal: to misbehave
Oscuro: murk
Niebla: mist
Bromas: mockery
Hacerse/ser una ruina: to make a loss
Regañar: to nag
Insensibilidad: numbness
Nato, innatos: naïve
Operar: to operate on
Quirófano: operating theatre
Remo: oar
Todo lo contrario: on the contrary
Por otra parte: otherwise
Por otro lado: on the other hand
Agradecido: (to be) obliged
Porque: on account of
Nuboso: overcast
Extrovertido: outgoing
De forma abrumadora, abrumadoramente: overwhelmingly
Posibilidades: odds
Mirar por un agujero: to peep
Oprimir, perseguir de forma injusta: to persecute
Perseguir legalmente: to prosecute
To chase: to pursue
Abrirse paso: to plough through
to plow through
Cotorrear: to prattle away
Apoyarse: to prop
Conservantes: preservatives
Ritmo: pace
Escayolar: to put in plaster
Buzón: pillarbox
Peste: plague
Rechoncho: plump
Muelle civil: pier
Machacar: to pound
Mirar detenidamente: to peer
Jadear de agotamiento: to pant
Tirón: pulled muscles
sprained muscles
Aguacero: pouring rain
pissing down
Plácido: placid
Desfile: parade
Elogio: praise
Loable: praiseworthy
Old-fashioned: quaint
Carne cruda: raw meat
Incesante: relentless
Tomar una decisión: to reach a decisión
Vallas de metal: railings
Remar: to row
Catarro: running nose
Arroyo: ravine
Round way: pista de aterrizaje
Diarrea: running stomach
Sarpullido: rush
Ataque y retirada: to raid
Retaguardia: rearguard
Felpudo: rug
Repetirse (un incidente): to recur
Devolver: to retract
Repetidamente: repeteadly
Rodar: to roll
Cuerda: string
Escalar: to scale
Pánico escénico: stage fright
Sombrío: shady
Asentarse: to settle down
Buscar: seek/sought/sought
Agitar: shake/shook/shaken
Encoge: to shrink/shrank/shrunk
Quemarse lentamente/consumirse: to smoulder
Provocativo, ardiente: smouldering
To train fighting: to spar
Sombrío: sombre
To go across: to span
Tomar notas: to scrap
Costra: scab
Trastabillarse: to stumble .Trastabillarse en sus palabras: to stumble over one´s words
Felipar: to splutter
Tartamudear: to stammer
Estenuante: strenuous
Embolia: stroke
Gran cantidad: score (by the score) (in scores)
Coser: to sew/sewed/sewn
Arbustos: schruberies
Subir muy rápido: to soar into the sky
Torre picuda: spire
Rich/big: stately
Poder adquisitivo: spending power
Pegarse (pegamento): to stick
Desprecio: scorn
Despreciable: scornful
Tensión: stress
Tensión: strain
Tensión&tensión: stress&strain
Enervar: to stir
Hinchado: swelling
Punto: stich
Sedante: sedative
Dejado: sloven
Destornillador: screw
Camisa de fuerza: straitjacket
Atornillar/desatornillar: to screw
Tío chulo, listillo: smart alec
Dejadez: slovenliness
Ser un caos: to be a shambles
Partir: to set forth
Apenas: scarcely
Estar destinado (sentido militar): to be stationed
Metralla: schrapnel
Bad behaviour: solecism
Calar: to soak
Estar calado: to be soaked to the skin
Moverse como un ratón: to scurry
Atizar el fuego: to stoke
Agarrar: to seize
Estufa/cocina: stove
Brotar: spring/sprang/sprung
Romperse en cachitos: to shatter
Calor sofocante: stiffling heat
Calor y humedad: sultry
Aguanieve: sleet
Esparcir: to scater
Cazar: to stalk
Laziness: sloth
Dejadez (mental): sloppiness
Cuajar: to set
Hosco: sullen
Hosquedad: sulleness
De forma hosca: sullenly
Mancillar: to sully
Sutil: subtle
Refugio: shelter (to take, to give)
Marca de carácter: (to have a) streak
Grito, chillido: screech
Sobresaltar, sorprender: to startle
En solitario: single-handed
Chispa: spark
Mocoso: snoffy
Tenia: tapeworm
Tomar una decisión: to take a decision
Probar: to try +ing
Intentar: to try +inf
Elegante: tasteful
Soso: tasteless
Teja: tile
To get worse: to turn sour
To decrease at a gentle pace: to tapper off
Andar por detrás: to trail
Sabroso: tasty
Invitar: to treat som. to
Exhausto: tired out
Castigar dura y legalmente: to throw the book at som.
Por ahora: For the time being
Una y otra vez: time and time again
Pellero: truant (to play): hacer pellas
Golpear: to tap
Trueno: thunderclap
That´s why: therefore
Frustrar, malograr: to thwart
Experimentar: to try out
Experimentar, transformar: to undergo
No pvimentado: unpaved
Llevar a cabo: to undertake
to carry out
Tranquilo: unwind
Desabrocharse los botones, las cremalleras, los cinturones: to undo buttons, zips and belts
Empeorar: to undermin
Revisar: to under view
Garantizar: to vouch
To believe: to vindicate
Camiseta: vest
Saltar por encima de algo: to vault
Furgoneta: van
Valorar algo: to value
Cruel: vicious
Estela: wake
Ingenioso: witty
Idea genial: wheeze
Moverse como la gelatina: to wobble
Entrenar: to work out
Entrenamiento: work out
To hold back, not to give: withold
Exhausto: worn out
Arrugas: warts Estar cubiertos de arrugas: tobe covered in warts
Rechoncho: web-padded
Chirrido: whine
Sauce: willow
Partícula enfática negativa que complementa al nombre: whatsoever
Salario: wage
Extreme: wretched
Extremely: wretchedly
bald, balding, bald patch, a receiding hairline.
Greasy, thining, to have dandroff
To have a parting on the left/right, to have a fringe
Shoulder-length, straight back, plaits, pony/pig tail
To keep one´s hair on
Head &mind& sleep
To have a good head for figures
To have one´s head in the clouds
To pick one´s brain
To be head over heels (in love)
To have in mind
To try not to lose a sleep over something A wink of sleep
To have 40 winks of sleep
Tez, rasgos y cara
“Features (rasgos) can be swarthy, coarse/fine, angular/thickset”
“Complexión can be pallid/pasty, rosy/flushed and bronzed.”
To be two-faced: to be treacherous
sticking out
To ring true
To play something by ear (improvisar)
Ojos, cejas y pestañas
Eyes: sunken, startled look, twinkle, close-set, squint
Ways of looking
to catch a glimpse, to catch someone´s eye, to eye, to glare, to gaze, to glower, to goggle, to glance, to observe, to ogle at, to peer, to peep, to stare, to scowl, to
to blink (parpadear) to wink (guiñar)
Words to do with light
Twinkle. “In the twinkle of an eye”
Dazzled. “to be dazzled by her beauty”
Glow (resplandeciente). “In glowing terms” (de forma elogiosa)
Shine. “to shine at”.
Flicker. “the candle flickered in breeze”
Sparkle (resplandeciente, chispa). “a sparkle of recognition” “to lack sparkle”
Flare. “to flare up” (to increase suddenly)
Eyebrows: bushy
Nariz snub, acquiline
To pay through the nose (to pay a fortune)
To smell a rat (to be suspicious)
Boca, labios, barbilla y papada:
Boca, sonrisa: grin, leer (cómplice)
Ways of speaking
To stammer
To whisper
To splutter
To stumble over a word
To mumble
To mutter
To chatter
To whine, to drone
Ways of laughing
To cackle: to guffaw
To giggle: to snigger
To titter
To chuckle: to chortle
To simper
To be long in the tooth (to be old, las encias se retiran con la edad)
By the skin of one´s teeth (very close to do something, por los pelos)
To be on the tip of one´s tongue
To speak tongue-in-cheek
To be born with a silver spoon in one´s mouth (nacer con suerte o en rica familia)
To live from hand to mouth (to live on a very small amount of money)
To fell down in the mouth (to feel bad)
To bellow with laughter
Labios: protruding, purse
Barbilla: firm, cleft/dimpled, double chin
Barba, bigote, patillas.
barba: clean shaven, three days stubble, five o´clock shadow, mattered, tangled.
Bigote: droopy
patillas: sideburns
Warts, freckles and moles.
To be on one´s hands To be tight fisted to be up in arms
To get a golden handshake To thumb a lift (to be angry)
To catch someone red handed (to catch someone in fragrante)
To have time on one´s hands (to have spare time)
To get something off one´s chest
To make a clean breast
To learn by heart
To take something to heart
To do something with a heavy heart
To have a strong stomach
To have butterflies in one´s stomach (to be nervous)
To put one´s back into
Feet & legs
Ways of walking
To amble
To creep
¿To gabble?
To saunter
To limp
To stride
To toddle
To trot
To trudge
To stagger
To dash
To plod
To get cold feet To take smthing into your stride To stretch one´s legs
To put a foot in To get into one´s stride
To foot the bill To make great strides
To get off on the wrong foot (empezar con mal pie)
Blood is thicker than water: La familia es más importante que uno mismo (fig.)
To make one´s blood boil
To feel something in one´s bones (presentir)
To have a nerve (tener cara)
To lost one´s nerve: to lose one´s self confidence
To have something under one´s skin: Estar muy acostumbrado a algo o a alguien
Reírse socarronamente/ cacarear
Reírse entre dientes
Aburrido (ropa)
Reír nerviosamente
Mirar mal
Mirar mal
Mirar con ojos como platos
Caminar lenta y pesadamente
Mirar con el ceño fruncido
Reír como un tonto
Sonri. cómplice
Caminar (bebe)
to cackle
to chuckle
to dash
to dash
to drone
to eye
to giggle
to glare
to glower
to goggle
to limp
to plod
to saunter
to scowl
to scrutinise
to simper
to stagger
to toddle
to trot
to guffaw
to chortle
hasten, hurry
to rush, to dart
to disappoint
to tear
drab, dull
to hum
to gaze at, to ogle
showy, gaudy
to snigger, to titter
to look fiercely
to look daggers
to hobble
blue, down in the dumps
mutter, whisper
discourteous, cavalier
careless, heedless
to trudge, to tramp
to wander
to inspect, to pore over
to reel, to sway
to jog, to walk briskly
Meter paja
Aullar, lloriquear, quejarse
to waffle
to whine
to gobbledygook
Enviado por: | El remitente no desea revelar su nombre |
Idioma: | castellano |
País: | España |