Tiempos verbales
+ Sub + v p·p1 + complement.
- Sub + don't / doesn't + v p·p1 + complement.
? Do / does + sub + v p·p1 + complement + ?
+ Sub + v p·p2 + complement.
- Sub + didn't + v p·p1 + complement.
? Did + sub + v p·p1 + complement + ?
+ Sub + am / is / are + vb ing + complement.
- Sub + am not / isn't / aren't + vb ing + complement.
? To be am / is / are + sub + vb ing + complement + ?
+ Sub + was / were + vb ing + complement.
- Sub + wasn't / weren't + vb ing + complement.
? Was / were + sub + vb ing + complement + ?
+ Sub + have / has + v p·p3 + complement.
- Sub + haven't / hasn't + v p·p3 + complement.
? Have / has + sub + v p·p3 + complement + ?
Dos homes varen robar un banc
Un banc va ésser robat (per dos homes).
1- Transitive VS intransitive
I arrived late to the cinema
Mary wrote a letter.
2- Verb to be (same tense main verb) + past participel p·p3 ( main verb)
Present simple
Break (am/ are) + broken am am not
Breaks (is) + broken is + PP isn't + PP
Are aren't
Send (am/ are/ is) + sent don't read aren't read
Isn't read
Past simple
Broke (was/ were) + broken was + PP + wasn't + PR
Sent ( was/ were) + sent were “ ” + weren't + “ “
3- Active object --> Passive subject
Active: Mary writes a letter
Passive: A letter is written
4- Agent: introduced BY
Active: Mary writes a letter
Passive: A letter is written by Mary
Active: I write letters
Pasive: Letters are written by me
Active: The postman delivered the letter
Passive: The letter was delivered ( by the postman) es evident no es posa
WH - WORD + AUX + SUB + VB P·P3 + C + ?
Active: When did Lisa paint the picture?
Passive: When was the picture painted by Lisa?
1- interrogativa activa: When do they show the film?
2- afirmativa activa: They show the film when.
3- afirmativa passiva: The film is shown when.
4- interrogativa passiva: When is the film shown?
Verbs with two objects
Active: Peter sent Mary a letter.
Passive: Mary was sent a letter by Peter.
Active: He told me the secret
Passive: I was told the secret
Who wrote this book?
Who wrote this book.
This book was written by who.
W ho was this book written by?
1- Who bought that interesting book?
2- Who bought that interesting book.
3- That interesting book was bought by who.
4- Who was that interesting book bought by?
Who told him the secret?
Who told him the secret.
He was told the secret by who.
Who was he told the secret by?
+ must, - can't ( musn't)
May = might/ may not = might not
Utilitzam may; might; must i can't per parlar sobre possiblitat o probabilitat que alguna cosa sigui certa.
Your picture must be a copy.
It can't be the original picture.
Utilitzam may; might per parlar sobre alguna cosa que pot ésser possible però no amb seguretat.
I may be late tomorrow.
Jim might not understand the question.
El significat de may i might es similar.
I may be late = I might be late
Podem utilitzar must i can't per parlar sobre coses que pensam que són certes.
Your picture must be a copy.
It can't be the original picture.
Quan parlam sobre probabilitat utilitzam must per frases afirmatives i can't per frases negatives.
The lights are on. They must be at home.
The lights are off. They can't be at home.
May; might; must i can't són verbs modals. Els verbs modals tots van seguits amb infinitu sense to.
She must like you.
Can - can't present
Could - couldn't passat
Will be able to / won't be able to
Utilitzem can i could per parlar sobre habilitats en el present i el passat.
Could és el passat simple de can.
Nosaltres utilitzem can i could + verb, sense to.
I couldn't go out.
Have to / has to, don't h t / doesn't h t - absence of obligation
Had to / didn't have to INF
Nosaltres utilitzem fromes del have to i had to quan volem parlar sobre obligació en el present i en el passat.
I had to go. ( M'obliguen a anar-hi).
Nosaltres utilitzem la forma - negativa quan no hi ha una obligació per fer alguna cosa.
- I didn't have to go. (No és necessari).
Nosaltres utilitzem el 1er condicional per parlar sobre accions i les seves probables conseqüències.
- If Dave comes, he will have a good time.
A una de les clàusules nosaltres utilitzem if+ present simple. Aquesta clàusula descriu una acció.
- If I see Linda....
A l'altra clàusula, nosaltres utilitzem will o won't + infinitiu. Aquesta clàusula descriu probables conseqüències de la acció.
- .... I will say “Hello”
Nosaltres podem canviar l'ordre de les clàusules.
Cuan la cláusula if és la primera, hi ha una (,) coma entre les dues clausules.
If I see Linda, I will say “Hello”.
I will say “Hello” if I see Linda.
If - clause | MAIN - clause |
Present Simple | Future will / won't + infinitive |
Nosaltres utilitzem will i going to per parlar sobre el futur.
Nosaltres utilitzem will per les prediccions.
- I think that she will be happy.
Nosaltres utilitzem going to per plans i intencions.
- She is going to start a new job soon.
Will / Won't
+ Sub + will + v p·p 1 + c
- Sub + won't + v p·p 1 + c
? Will / won't + sub + v p·p 1 + c
Going to
+ Sub + to be + going to + v p·p 1 + c
- Sub + to be not + going to + v p·p 1 + c
? To be Aux + sub + going to + v p·p 1 + c
Verb | Noun ( person) | Noun ( thing) |
entertain | entertainer | entertainment |
compete | competitor | comptetion |
invent | inventor | invention |
compose | composer | composition |
explore | explorer | exploration |
also: també | but: però |
in addiction: a més a més | however: no obstant |
both: ambdues | on the other hand: per altra banda |
Adjectives describing art
colorful: coloretjat realistic: real fun: divertit
simple: simple modern:modern depressing: depressiu
beautifu: guapo expressive: expressiu shocking: xocant
sophisticated: sofisticat
Art: nouns
Mural: mural exhibition: exhibició
Abstract: abstracte sculpture: escultura
Gallery: galeria still life:
Nude: nuu landscape: paissatge
Portrait: retrat
World issues
Animal rights: drets dels animals
The environment: el medi ambient
War: la guerra
The developing world: el món subdesenvolupat
Immigration: la immigració
Genetic engineering: Enginyeria genètica
Terrorims: terrorisme
Disease: enfermetats
Collection box: recol·lecta
Charity: ONG
Poster: pòster
Placard: pancarta
Sticker: ferratina
Boycott: boicotejar
Petition: petició
Leaflet: follet
Demonstration: manifestació
Banner: pancarta
Goverment: Govern
What: que
When: quando
Where: donde
Why: porque
Who: quien
Whose: de qui
Which: cual
How long: quant temps
How much: quantitat incon
How many: quantitat con
How tall: altura persones
How far: distància
How old: quants anys
How high: altura montany
How often: frequència
Si es té “problemes” per passar la frase activa a passiva directament, podem recurrir a fer-la d'aquesta manera:
Indirect object --> passive subject
Quan dins la mateixa frase activa trobem CD i CI, el CI passa a ésser el subjecte de la frase passiva.
Si no sabem passar la frase interrogativa activa a interrogativa passiva directament, podem fer... Primer la posem amb afirmativa activa per després passar-la a passiva afirmativa, i ja posteriorment passar-la a passiva interrogativa.
Sempre que WHO faci la funció del subjecte de la oració, la passiva interrogativa acabarà amb by.
Enviado por: | Nazgul |
Idioma: | catalán |
País: | España |