Lengua inglesa
Physical appearance
Bald = calvo/a
Beard = barba
Black = negro
Blonde = rubio (pelo)
Blue = azul
Brown = castaño (pelo); marrón (ojos)
Curly = rizado (pelo)
Eye colour = color de ojos
Facial hair = pelo facial
Fat = gordo/a
Good-looking = guapo/a
Green = verde
Grey = gris
Height = altura
Long = largo/a
Medium height = de mediana estatura
Medium length = medianamente largo/a
Moustache = bigote
Short = corto (pelo); bajo/a (persona)
Size = tamaño
Slim = esbelto/a, delgado/a
Straight = lacio (pelo)
Tall = alto/a
Wavy = ondulado (pelo)
White = canoso (pelo)
The family
Aunt = tía
Big families = familias numerosas
Cousin = primo/a
Dad = papá
Daughter = hija
Get divorced = divorciarse
Grandaughter = nieta
Granparents = abuelos
Granson = nieto
Mum = mamá
Nephew = sobrino
Niece = sobrina
Normal size families = familias de tamaño medio
Parents = padres
Sister = hermana
Son = hijo
Uncle = tío
Other difficult words
Baby = cariño
Baseball = béisbol
Be in shock = estar en estado de shock
Buggy = calesa
Capital city = capital
Confused = confundido/a
Countryside = campo
Decade = década
e-mail = correo electrónico
e-pal = amigo de correo electrónico
Factory = fábrica
A football = un balón de fútbol
Hobbies = pasatiempos
Hungry = hambriento
Inside = dentro
Jewerlly = joyas
Journey = joyas
Match = partido
Move to = mudarse a
On an island = en una isla
Play football = jugar al fútbol
Play the guitar = tocar la guitarra
Pose = posar
Reading = lectura
Ride = montar
School subject = asignatura del colegio
School team = equipo del colegio
Self-evaluation = auto evaluación
Slide rule = regla de cálculo
Switzerland = Suiza
Wear = llevar puesto/a
Website = sitio web
Weekend = fin de semana
Witness = testigo
Writing = escritura
Verbos irregulares I
Be- was/were- been = ser, estar
Beat- beat- beaten = batir, golpear, latir
Become- became- become = llegar a ser, hacerse
Begin- began- begun = empezar
Bite- bit-bitten = morder
Blow- blew- blown = soplar
Break- broke- broken = romper
Bring- brought- brought = traer
Build- built- build = edificar
Buy- bought- bought = comprar
Catch - caught- caught = atrapar
Choose- chose- chosen = escoger
Come- came- come = venir
Cut- cut- cut = cortar
Do - did - done = hacer
Draw- drew- drawn = dibujar
Dream- dreamt- dreamt = soñar
Drink, drank, drunk = beber
Drive, drove, driven = conducir
Eat- ate- eaten = comer
Fall- fell- fallen = caer
Feed- fed- fed = alimentar, dar de comer
Feel- felt- felt = sentir
Find- found- found = encontrar
Fly- flew-flown = volar
¿Qué te pasa? Estoy perdido, vivo en el 23 de Hill Street y no puedo encontrar mi casa.
What's the matter? I'm lost, I live in 23, Hill Street and I can't find my house.
¿De dónde es ella? Ella es de Francia, pero vive en España.
Where's she from? She's from France, but she live in Spain.
Merlín es de estatura media y gordo. Él tiene pelo castaño y bigote y barba blancos
Merlín's medium height and fat. He's got brown hair and moustache and beard white.
Robin Hood tiene pelo rubio, corto y rizado. Él es guapo y esbelto.
Robin Hood's got blond hair, short and curly. He's good looking and slim
Ella cree que las ropas de su hermano son muy extrañas.
She thinks her brother's clothes are very strange.
Me llamo Ann y vivo con mi familia en Grecia. Tengo una hermana y dos hermanos.
My name's Ann and I live with my family in Grecee. I have one sister and two brothers.
A Linda le gusta el fútbol y los juegos de ordenador. A ella también le gusta navegar en la red.
Linda likes the football and the computer games. She likes surfing in the Net too.
La gente Amish no usa electricidad y montan en caballos y calesas.
Amish people don't use electricity and they ride horses and buggies.
Los niños y las niñas estudian escritura y lectura y dejan el colegio cuando tienen 14 años.
Boys and girls study writing and reading and they leave school when they are fourteen
Los hombres visten sombreros negros y las mujeres llevan largos vestidos sin botones y sin joyas.
Men wear black hat and women wear long dresses without butons or jewellery.
Enviado por: | Nenilla |
Idioma: | inglés |
País: | España |