
Gramática inglesa



I am

He is

You are

Presente continuo

I am going to

He is going to

You are going to


I was

He was

You were

Pasado Continuo

I was working / Yo estaba trabajando

He was working

You were working

Presente Perfecto simple

I have been / Yo he estado o sido

He has been

You have been

Pasado perfecto

I had been / Yo había sido o estado

He had been

You had been


I will be / Yo seré

He will be

You will be

Futuro con would

I would be / Yo sería

He would be

You would be


Presente Para hacer la negative y la interrogative se utiliza Do/ Does

I eat

He eats

You eat

Presente continuo

I am eating / Yo estoy comiendo

He is eating

You are eating


I ate Se utiliza la 2ª Columna

He ate Para interrogativas y negativas se utiliza Did

You ate

Pasado continuo

I was eating / Yo estaba comiendo Se utiliza WAS o WERE + verbo con ING

He was eating

You were eating

Presente perfecto simple

I have eaten / El ha comido Se utiliza HAVE o HAS + la 3ª Columna

He has eaten

You have eaten

Pregunta: How long have you lived in this house?

Pasado perfecto

I had eaten / Yo había comido Se utiliza HAD + la 3ª Columna

He had eaten

You had eaten

Presente perfecto continuo

I have been eating / Yo he estado comiendo Se utiliza HAVE o HAS + BEEN + verb ING

He has been eating

You have been eating

Pregunta: How long have they been playing together?

Pasado perfecto continuo

I had been eating / Yo había estado comiendo Se utiliza HAD + BEEN + verb ING

He had been eating

You had been eating


I will eat / Yo comeré Se hace con WILL + Verb en Infinitivo

He will eat Para la negative se utiliza WON`T

You will eat

Futuro con Would

I would eat / Yo comería Se hace con WOULD + Verb en Infinitovo

He would eat

You would eat


1er Condicional

Se hace:

IF + Presente + WILL + Verb presente


Si tu vas al cine yo ire contigo

If you go to the cinema I will go with you

2º Condicional

Se hace:

IF + Pasado Simple + WOULD + Verbo en presente


Si vinieses al cine yo iria contigo

If you came to the cinema I would go with you

3er Condicional

Se hace:

IF + Pasado Perfecto ( Had + 3ª Columna) + WOULD + Presente perfecto ( HAVE/ HAS + 3ª Columna)


Si hubieras venido al cine yo habría ido contigo

If you had come to the cinema I would have gone with you



Presente Pasado

Can Could

Be allowed to Was/ Were allowed to


Presente Pasado

Must not was not / were not allowed to

Not be allowed to Could not

Can not


Presente Pasado

Must Had to

Have (got) to

Ausencia de obligación

Presente Pasado

Do not have to Did not have to

Need not

Recomendación/ Opinión

Presente Pasado

Should/ Should not Should/ Should not have + participio pasado

La voz pasiva

Se forma con BE ( conjudando en el tiempo que corresponda) + el participio pasado del verbo principal.


A Japanese architect will design the new opera house in Milan

The new opera house in Milan will be designed by a Japanese architect

Reported statements

Direct speech

I miss my friends / Yo extraño a mis amigos

Reported speech

She told her that she missed her friends / Ella le dijo a el que ella extrañaba a sus amigos

Otro ejemplo:

I will be touring until next month

She explained that she would be touring until the following month

Reported questions

Direct speech

Are you happy?

How did it happen?

Reported speech

I asked her if she was happy

I asked her if she liked her new lifestyle

Reported commands

Direct speech

Sit down, please

Do not worry

Reported speech

He asked me to sit down

She told him not to worry

Se cambian las expresiones de tiempo y los pronombres y adjetivos posesivos:

Expresiones de tiempo:

Here There

Now Then

Today That day

This morning That morning

Tonight That night

Tomorrow The next day

Yesterday The day before

Last night The night before

Next week The following week

Last week The week before

Gerundio e infinitive


Formación: Añadiendo ING al verbo.

Se utiliza:

  • Detrás de algunos verbos como:

Enjoy Disfrutar

Feel Sentir

Like Gustar

Finish Terminar

Hate Odiar

Love Amar

Mind Considerar

Miss Extrañar

Stop Parar

Ej: Harry enjoys reading and playing computer games.

  • Como sujeto de un verbo

Ej: Swimming is good exercise

  • Detrás de la mayoría de las preposiciones


  • Se utiliza detrás de algunos verbos como:

Agree Estar deacurdo

Choose Elegir

Decide Decidir

Pretend Fingir

Promise Prometer

Seem Parecer

Want Querer

Ej: Tom`s father has promised to buy him a PC

  • También se utiliza en ordenes indirectas.

Ej: Bill asked Sam to help him with his homework

Bill preguntó a Sam que si le ayudaba con sus deberes.

  • También se utiliza con IN ORDER TO

Hacer deducciones

Deducciones acerca del presente


Se utiliza MUST + INFINITIVO sin TO para deducciones afirmativa.

Ej: She must be ill

Ella debe estar enferma


Se utiliza CAN NOT + Infinitivo sin TO para deducciones negativas.

Ej: She can not be ill

Ella no puede estar enferma


Se utiliza cuando no estamos seguros de nuestra deducción. Se utiliza con el Infinitivo sin TO.

Ej: She might be in the library

Deducciones acerca del pasado


Se utiliza para hacer deducciones sobre cosas que creemos que probablemente ocurrieron en el pasado.

Ej: She must have gone home

Ella debe haberse ido a casa


Se utiliza para hacer deducciones que cosas que creemos que probablemente no han ocurrido.

Ej: She can not have gone home. Her car`s still in the car park.

Ella no ha podido irse a casa. Su coche todavía esta en el aparcamiento.


Se utiliza para hacer deducciones sobre cosas que no se sabe si han ocurrido o no.

Ej: Someone might have told her the calss was canelled.

Alguien podría haberla dicho que las clases fueron canceladas.

Phrasal verbs

Make up Inventar

Went up Subir

Pick up Recoger

Cheers up Hacer o llegar a ser feliz

Hurry up Ir deprisa

Turn up Llegar tarde

Cover up ocultar algo illegal o malo

End up Encontrarse en una situación después de una serie de sucesos.

Broken up Terminar con una relación

Put up with Tolerar, aguantarse

Tell off Regañar

Grow up Crecer

Take after Parecerse

Get on Llevarse bien

Bring up Criar

Look after Cuidar


Persona: Who / That

Cosa: Which / That

Lugar: Where

Tiempo: When

Poseedor: Whose


Ingles Español

Action Acción

Adventure Aventura

Based on Basada en

Camera operator Operario de cámara

Cartoon Dibujos animados

Characters Características

Comedy Comedia

Director Director

Fantasy Fantasia

Horror Terror

Make - up artist Maquillador

Musical Musical

Plot Argumento

Producer Productor

Romance Romanticismo

Science- fiction Ciencia ficción

Series Series

Sound engineer Técnico de sonido

Special effects Efectos especiales

Star Estrella

Suspense Suspense

Thriller Suspense

Gorgeous Espléndido

Awful Horrible

Brilliant Inteligente

Amazing Asombrado

Fascinating Fascinado

Hilarious Alegre

Pathetic Patetico

Ridiculous Rediculo

Terrible Terrible

Terrifying Aterrador

Thrilling Estremecido

Fantastic Fantastico

Bad Malo

Silly Tonto

Good Bueno

Exciting Emocionante

Beautiful Ermoso

Interesting Interesante

Funny Gracioso

Frightening Asustado

Surprising Sorprendente


Inglés Americano Inglés británico Traducción

Bill Note Factura

Apartament Flat Piso

Candy Sweets Dulce

Cookies Biscuits Galletas

Cop Police officer Policía

Elevator Lift Ascensor

Garbage Rubbish Basura

Gasoline Petrol Gasolina

Line Queue Cola

Movie Film Película

Pants Trousers Pantalones

Purse Handbag Bolso

Sidewalk Pavement Acera

Subway Underground Metro

Trashcan Rubbish bin Cubo de basura

Truck Lorry Camión


Aunts Tios

Cousins Primos

Grandparent Abuelos

Single Soltero

Brother in law Cuñado

Divorced Divorciado

Half brother Hermanastro

Childhood Infancia

Eldest Mayor

Parents Padres


Hard working Un duro trabajador

Honest Honesto

Talkative Comprensivo

Optimistic Optimista

Rational Racional

Sincere Sincero

Patient Paciente

Cheerful Alegre

Interesting Interesante

Good looking Buen aspecto

Reliable Realista

Outgoing Extrovertido

Opend minded De mente abierta

Mature Maduro


Judge Juez

Engineer Ingeniero

Nurse Enfermera

Hairdresser peluquera

Plumber Fontanero

Lorry driver Camionero

Doctor Doctor

Soldier Soldado

Cleaner Limpiador

Dancer Bailarin

Teacher Profesor


Sustantivo Traducción Adjetivo

Adventure Aventura Adventurely

Aggression Agresión Aggressionly

Ambition Ambición ambitionly

Arrogance Arrogancia Arrogancely

Anxiety Inquietud Anxietily

Cheer Aliente Cheerly

Competition Competición Competitionly

Creation Creación Creationly

Curiosity Curiosidad Curiositily

Diplomacy Diplomacia Diplomacily

Dirt Suciedad Dirtly

Emotion Emoción Emotionly

Efficiency Eficiencia Efficiencily

Help Ayuda Helply

Imagination Imaginación Imaginationly

Independence Independencia Independencely

Intellect Intelecto Intellectly

Logic Logica Logicly

Mystery Misterio Mysterily

Patience Paciencia Patiencely

Practicality Viabilidad Practicalitily

Self-confidence Confianza en si mismo Self- confidencely

Sensitivity Sensibilidad Sensitivitily

Sociability Sociabilidad Sociabilitily

Superstition Superstición Superstitionly

Thought Pensado Thougtly

Tradition Tradición Traditionly


Bargain Negocio

Be successful Tener éxito

Brand Marca

Creative Creativo

Dense Denso

Dependable Confiable

Easy - going

Effective Efectivo

Free Libre

Fun - loving amando la diversión

Gentle Cortés

Good - looking Buen aspecto

Hard - working Trabajador duro

Have a break Tener algo roto

Heartbreaking Corazón roto

Life- threatening Vida


Long- lasting

Lovely Lindo

New Nuevo

Powerful Poderoso

Purse Bolso


Responsible Responsable

Sense of humour Sentido del humor


Sweet smelling

Tight fitting


Cheeks Mejillas

Chin Barbilla

Ear Orejas

Eyebrowns Cejas

Eyes Ojos

Face Cara

Finger Dedos

Forehead Frente

Glasses Gafas

Hair Pelo

Hand Mano

Head Cabeza

Heart Corazón

Knee Rodilla

Leg Pierna

Lips Labios

Moustache Bigote

Mouth Boca

Nails Uña

Nose Nariz

Palm Palma

Scar Cicatriz

Shoulders Hombros

Teeth Dientes

Describir estilos de vida

Lifestyles Estilo de vida

Residence Residencia

Accommodation Alojamiento

Bed-sit Habitación de alquiler

City centre Centro de la ciudad

Hut Tuburio

Mortgage Hipoteca

Rent Alquiler



Suburbs Suburbios

Work Trabajo

Anthropologist Antropólogo

Be made redundant Ser redundante

Bricklayer Albañil

Deliver Entregar

Drop out Bajar fuera

Engineering Ingeniería

Evening classes Clases por la tarde

Give up Abandonar

Nurse Enfermera

On the dole

Mechanic Mecánico

Part-time A tiempo parcial

Fruit picker Recogedor de frutas


Train to be

Work abroad Trabajo en el extranjero

Free time Tiempo libre

Be fond of Ser cariñoso

Be keen on

Be into Estar en

Do-it-yourself Hacerlo tu mismo

Gardening Jardinero

Go hang-gliding

Grow tomatoes Plantar tomates


Photography Fotografía


Working out in the gym Trabajando fuera en un gimnasio

Appearance Apariencia


Baldness Calvicie

Baseball cap Gorra de beisboll

Casual clothes Ropa de calle

Checked shirt Camisa de cuadros

Dyed Teñir

Hiking boots Botas

Jacket Chaqueta

Jumper Saltar

Leather Cuero

Piercing Piercing

Shaved head Cabeza afeitada

Short skirt Falda corta

Spiky hair Pelos aborotados

Tight top Camiseta ajustada

Enviado por:Silvia
Idioma: castellano
País: España

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