
Gramática del inglés

Look at the following sentences. Make a list of the countable nouns and another list of the uncountable nouns. Write down the plural form of the countable nouns.


1.- A potato is a vegetable

2.- A dog dislikes a cat

3.- A horse often has a long tail

4.- A boy likes to play a game

5.- A diamond is a beautiful stone

6.- A girl likes chocolate

7.- We put sugar in a cup of coffee

8.- A slice of bread and a piece of cheese make a sandwich

9.- We make an omelette with an egg

10.- A book is made of paper.

Put in "a" or "an" before singular countable nouns

1.- ...sick child

2.- Mr. Brown is...bus driver

3.- His son is...pupil near here

4.- He wants to when he

5.- is...person who writes books

6.- My father

7.- His brother is...teacher

8.- Peter is studying to be...architect

9.-...little boy sometimes plys at being...fireman

10.- George is...mechanic in...garage

Turn the plural countable nouns into singular countable nouns. Remember to put in "a" or "an" and change the verb from plural to singular when necessary.

1.- I have apples and oranges in my bag

2.- Policemen are sometimes very tall fellows

3.- Mothers look after their children

4.- Houses often have pretty gardens

5.- Schoolboys like holidays

6.- We write with pens and pencils

7.- Rivers run into the sea

8.- We need pens and ink to write letters

9.- Tables are articles of furniture

10.- Children are sons or daughters.

Put "the" in the blanks, only where necessary.

1.- ...horses have four legs and...long tails

2.- Write your name of...paper

3.- ...sugar is sweet is bitter

4.- is more important

5.- ...little girl in blue is Mary

6.- Bakers use...flour for making...bread

7.- ...second letter of the alphabet is B

8.- ...apples grow trees and...pears grow on...pear trees

9.- I we went to...seaside

10.- ...water was cold but...sand was warm

Put in "the" only where it is necessary.

1.- ...English Channel lies between...France and...England

2.- ...Suez Canal joins...Mediterranean Sea and...Red Sea

3.- ...Danube is the longest river in...Europe

4.- ...Mt. Blanc is in...Swiss Alps

5.- ...London is on...Thames

6.- ...Hague of...Holland

7.- ...Netherlands is another name for...Holland

8.- Ships can go from...Atlantic to...Pacific through...Panama Canal

9.- ...Canada and...Alaska are in...North America

10.- Which is the capital of...United States,...Washington or...New York?

1.- Put the given adverbs in their correct places

a. She went (to school, at ten o clock)

b. They stayed (all day, quietly, there)

c. I like coffee (in the morning, very much)

d. I shall meet you (outside your office, tomorrow)

e. Let s go (tonight, to the pictures)

f. Our teacher spoke to us (in class, very rudely, this morning)

g. He worked for our cause (all his life, passionately)

h. The train arrived (this morning, late)

i. We are going (for a year, to Switzerland, on Saturday)

j. He played (at the Town Hall, last night, beautifully, in the concert).

2. Frequency adverbs

a. We have fish for breakfast (never)

b. John goes to school by bus (generally)

c. He play football on Saturdays (always)

d. It is so dark that I can t see (scarcely)

e. The man is so ill he can walk (hardly)

f. I m sorry, Mr Brown has gone out (just)

g. Hush! The baby is asleep (almost)

h. I agree, Peter is right (quite)

i. Peter forgets to wind his watch up (sometimes)

j. In fact, he forgets to put it on (often)

i. The London train is late (seldom).

1.- Restate each of the following negative sentences twice, using comparative adjectives in their construction.

Example: A pony isn't so large as a horse

a) A pony is smaller than a horse

b) A horse is larger than a pony

a.- February isn't so long as March

b.- Winter isn't so warm as summer

c.- John's father isn't so young as his mother

d.- Paris isn't so far from London as Berlin is

e.- Lemons aren't so sweet as oranges.

2.- Restate the following using the superlative adjective. Example: Mary is younger than any other girl in the class

Mary is the youngest in the class

a.- A diamond is harder than any other stone I know of

2.- Roses have a sweeter smell than all the flowers in the garden

c.- Peter likes horses better than any other animal on the farm

d.- The President is more powerful than any other man

e.- Moscow is colder than any other capital in Europe

3.- Put in the correct form of the adjective, i.e. positive (p), comparative (c), or superlative (s) with the correct connecting words (as, so, than)

a.- A donkey isn't...a horse (intelligent p)

b.- You must drive your car in a..manner in future (careful c)

c.- John speaks...English...I do (good c)

d.- I should like you to meet Robert, my...son (old s)

e.- John's handwriting is bad but mine is...(bad c)

1.- Put in this, these, that, those. as appropriate

a. What's...?

b. Who are...boys?

c. What's...over ther?

d. Whose is...?

e. What's...for?

f. What's the name you want to see? my home town and...building over ther is my school

h. The weather isn't very warm...summer but it was...year we went to Spain

i. His mother makes...nice cakes we had

j. my desk yours.

2.- In place of the nouns in italic put in either one or ones

a. Look at the elephant! Isn't it a big elephant?

b. Two red pens, three blue pens and a black pen, please

c. These large oranges are cheap but the little oranges are sweeter. I'll have six small oranges

d. Thank you, give me a pound of the red cherries, please. I like those cherries best.

3.- Put some or any to complete the meaning of the following sentences.

a. There aren't...dangerous wild animals in England. There are...tigers in the zoo

b. Do you take...milk in your tea? Yes, but I drink it without...sugar

c. Peter will lend you...books to read. Mary hasn' ones

d. Do you No, thanks, I haven't found...difficulty with this exercise.

4.- Put in nobody, no-one, nowhere, none or nothing

a. ...knows you better than your mother

b. more beautiful to me than my old home town

c. ...cures a headache faster than aspirin

d. There a a good cup of tea to cheer one up

e. Peter has two pencils but John has...

5. Put much, many, little, few, no, not

a. Give me...meat and...potatoes, please

b. I like...cream and...lumps of sugar in my coffee

c. Do you know...about mathematics?

d. ...people dislike mustard

e. There are wolves in England

f. She cooks very well

g. Waiter! There issalt in my soup.

Translate into English

1. Ella no viene esta noche

2. Dónde come tu gato?

3. Qué estaban haciendo?

4. Mientras estés aquí, yo no me iré

5. Acabo de verle

6. Quién vino?

7. Por qué habeis estado estudiando?

8. No he roto el plato

9. Te lo enviaré pasado ma ana

10. En qué estábais pensando?

11. No enciendas la luz, veo muy bien

12. No podré decirle que no

13. El perro nos vió, Verdad?

14. Cuándo empieza la película?

15. Si se hubiese escondido en la cocina, no le habríamos visto

16. Qué ha comprado Sheila?

17. Algunas veces tiene razón

18. Acababan de salir

19. No olvidaré lo que has hecho por mi

20. No he podido encontrar mi cartera

21. Por qué no le pegaste?

22. Habeis estado conduciendo toda la noche, Verdad?

23. El hielo de la nevera de John está muy duro

24. Olvidemos lo que ha pasado!

25. El tren sale a las 10

26. Ha olvidado tu hermana lo que le dije?

27. Nunca sabrás lo que ha pasado

28. El chico que estaba sentado en la silla, no hablaba espa ol

29. Si bebes no debes conducir. Es peligroso

30. Acabo de comprarme un coche nuevo

31. Los coches tienen ruedas, Verdad?

32. No te lo daré

33. Bebería si tuviera sed

34. Cuántos a os tenía tu abuelo cuando murió?

35. No consigo acordarme de su nombre

36. Sabe lo que quiere

37. Dime tu nombre y márchate

Enviado por:Santriana
Idioma: inglés
País: España

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