Educación y Pedagogía

Diseño curricular de la lengua inglesa


1. Localisation of Syllabus.

School: Public School Cesar Augusto.

Students: Primary School, course 1º, 26 pupils.

Theme: My Class.

Types of Syllabus: area of English.

Time: Nine weeks.

2. Characteristics.

Cesar Augusto School is a school from Zaragoza city, its students are from a economic and socio-cultural middle-class.

It is located in a district that are very well communicated with downtown, in its proximities is the football ground of the Romareda, the Hotel Romareda, the Hospital Miguel Servet, the Church of Santa Monica and three schools public: Elíseo Godoy, Caesarean Alierta and Doctor Azúa.

In this center they distribute Infantile and Primary Ed. with its respective buildings and playgrounds. There are several fields of basketball, a one of soccer and polideportivo that shares with the C.p. Caesarean Alierta.

The interior of the building of Primary account with the following facilities: room of computers, library, room of audio-visual, laboratory of languages, classroom of music, room of psicomotricidad, gymnasium and classrooms of logopedia. Also in this building are the kitchen and the dining room; several positions of a guardian; the boardroom; and the offices of Secretariat, Headquarters of Studies and Direction.

The classrooms are very luminous, even those that they do not give to the outside, as it is the case of the classroom of 1º B. The classroom is also quite ample and the distribution of the tables is in form of Or with two central rows, of this form the students have visibility towards the slate and almost all its companions. At the end of the class there are a bookcase with books and didactic games and four tables where the children can dedicate themselves to read or to play once have finished their tasks.

We counted on the essential materials like the slate, chalks, rough draft, all the furniture made up of the tables, chairs, closets, bookcases, hangers... Also it is had radiocassette, corks to hang its drawings and numerous murals.

3. Group analysis.

This class of 1º of Primary consists of 26 students, and two of them are of integration, a boy and a girl. The boy, David, have some type of mental discapacity, which causes learning problems to him in addition to lack of attention and concentration. He is not either able to make the activities in case single since these suppose a great mental effort to him and he tires much, then lets work and it is already impossible that he resumes the task. Still he is with the reading record and he costs to him much to write. He has more facility for the mathematics that the rest of the areas stops. Patricia reads and writes rather better, but even so it undergoes delays in the accomplishment of the tasks. Due to his great infantilism it does not know to make the activities without aid and its lack of attention is considerable. For the understanding of the activities it needs one more a lengthy and ample explanation than the others. In addition she is a very uncertain girl and she is not absolutely participativa. Of the others, both very either they are integrated in the class, take very or with the other students who help them in which they can. Also they receive support classes during one hour to the day.

The rest of the class is quite heterogenous, excepting three or four children who excel to the rest because they include/understand and they make the activities much more fast.

No of these factors delays nor disturbs the dynamics of the group reason why the work forecasts are fulfilled almost always.

With respect to knowledge previous on language of English, (excepting Miguel which it was living in the U.s.a.), they are such for all the children since they have already been initiated in ed. Infantile in this same center. They know the numbers until ten, and six colors (network, blue, orange, green, Brown, yellow) and have some vocabulary acquired on animals and toys. They recognize some instructions and they know to interpret the explanations that occur them.

4. Personal and formal resources.

The teaching staff turns upside down much in all the students and the school in general also supports and values much the education of Foreign Languages and not only within the curriculum but extrascholastic activity.

The students feel attracted by the language of English because the classes more dynamic, distendidas and are also entertained. The classes of English are distributed in the schedule in afternoons, Tuesdays during the last hour, from 4 to 5.

5. Presentation of the unit.

This unit, My Class, can be very interesting for the children since they are going to learn words of objects that they use to newspaper in another language. The use of this topic enough is adapted since it is referred to the immediate surroundings and in the place where they pass most of the day, its class. They can feel nearer the new language if subjects of their own interest are approached, and this subject falls by its own weight.


  • To present/display the friends. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To identify and to name objects of the class (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To count from 1 - 10. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To recognise positions and sizes. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To identify and to name six colors (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To recognise numbers of oral form and to write them. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To respond to simple questions. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To follow simple instructions. (Type: obligatory, Area: English, Level: cognitive)

  • To respect the companions. (Type: obligatory, Area: All the areas, Level: psicoaffective)

  • To learn to work in equipment. (Type: Obligatory, Area: All, Level: psicoaffective)

  • 11. To respect the class and material. (Type: Obligatory, Area: All, Level: psicoaffective)


    Conceptual (Done, concepts and principles)

    • Active vocabulary: bag, pen, book, ball, crayon, chair, paintbrush, ruler, scissors, table. (Objective: 2)

    • Learning of numbers 1 - 10, (Obj.: 3)

    • Use of small structures: This is (Maria), I have a (book), It's a (blue) book. (Obj.: 1, 7).

    • Passive vocabulary: in, on, to under / big, small / friend, box. (Obj.: 4)

    Procedural (Procedures)

    • Development of auditory skills and relation (Obj.: 5, 6)

    • Development of the memory (Obj.: 2, 3, 4, 5)

    • Understanding and deduction of instructions (Obj.: 8)

    • Development of abilities: to draw and to color (Obj.: all)

    Attitudinales (Values, attitudes and norms)

    • Strategies of collaboration between companions (Obj.: 10)

    • Automatic control, not to interrupt the companions (Obj.: 9)

    • Respect of the turns of word (Obj.: 9)

    • Suitable use of the material (Obj.: 11)



    Activity 1

    They are down placed flashcards of the colors and the the 6 numbers from the 1 to mouth in the slate, patches with blue-tack. It is asked to him a boy who says to a color or a number and that chooses a card. " Say a number or a colour. Now pick a card." If the boy or the girl raises the card that he has named, it remains with the card. If it is not the color or the number that it had named, leaves the card and leaves another boy to play. Once the children have raised several cards, he will become a memory game and will have to remember the position of flashcards.

    Type of activity: socialized, dynamic.

    Objective: 3, 5, 8.

    Approximate time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    Five volunteers request themselves to leave to the slate. " This is (Maria). (Maria's)my friend." They are the flash of bag, they pen, book, ball, crayon. The words are repeated several times when showing the flash, so that they repeat it as well. A flash to each one of the children occurs who have left to the slate and phrases like " This is Miguel. Miguel is my friend. Miguel has bag." The class repeats to choir. The procedure with other five children is repeated.

    Type: symbolic.

    Obj.: 1, 2.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    "Open Your Class Books at page eight" is said to them and the correct page must be indicated. It is asked to them the children who identify the personages who already know " Who's this " Soon it is asked to them for the new personages and gesture becomes of not knowing the answer. " Let's the lists to chant " puts the tape and they are indicated the personages in the book as they are leaving. Transcription: This is Annie. Annie is my friend. Annie has a rainbow. Yes, yes.

    This is Billy. Billy's my friend. Billy has a bag. Yes, yes.

    This is Tony. Tony's my friend. Tony has a pen. Yes, yes.

    This is Mary. Mary's my friend. Mary has a book. Yes, yes.

    This is Danny. Danny's my friend. Danny has a ball. Yes, yes.

    This is Betty. Betty's my friend. Betty has a crayon. Yes, yes.

    Type: socialized, iconic.

    Obj.:1, 2.

    Time: 15 min.


    Activity 1

    (Class Book, page 8). You have to put the tape, it is stopped and you asked to them “Who's this? (Billy) and Billy has a (bag).

    “Where's Annie?. Point to Annie. You repeat this with each one of the new personages and return to put the tape. You request that they indicate to the personages when they hear its names in rima.

    Type: socialized, iconic.

    Obj.: 1, 2, 8, 11.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    You name an object and they must say that personage has that object. " Who has a (ball)? (Danny). You do it the same with a pair more of objects. Then you name the personages and must say that object had each one. You will dramatize rima with objects and children of the class, replacing the names of the personages by those of the students. You will try that there are five presenters and five presented/displayed to be changing.

    Type: socialized, symbolic-dynamic.

    Obj.:1, 2, 9.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    “Open your Fun Books at page eight” You write the number in the slate. You indicate the personages so that the children name them: “Who's this?”

    You indicate to the objects and asks:“What's this?”

    Ask them to unit the personages with their objects while they return to listen to rima. Each leader line must be of different color. You put rima so many times as it is necessary.

    Type: socialized / individualized, iconic.

    Obj.: 2, 7, 8, 11.

    Time: 20 min.


    Activity 1

    Standard to the class the new vocabulary using cards:chair, paintbrush, ruler, scissors, table. Ask them to repeat. Later you point the flash-cards of ball, bag, crayon, book, pen, and ask: “What's this?” with each one. Then you ask: “What colour is it?, when they had answer correctly (blue), you said “Yes, It's a blue book.”

    Type: socialized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 5, 9.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    You distribute the ten flash between the children, and asks: “Who has a blue pen?”. The children will respond single with the names of their companions Juan, Pedro. The boy who has the drawing will have to respond “Yes”. Continue asking and when they answer rightly you say the whole phrase“Yes, Juan has a blue pen.”

    Type: socialized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 5, 7, 9.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    Number 9 is written in the slate and it is said “Open your Class Books at page nine.” The correct page in the book is indicated. Indicate the personages who children already well-known, " Who's this? " one by one. Ask the children to look for objects of the class in the drawing, " Point to the to ruler / crayon / to chair /, etc." Ask “What colour is the ruler?” and put the tape on. “Listen!”


    Mary has a green chair.

    Tony has a red ruler.

    Lucy has a blue crayon.

    Danny has yellow scissors.

    Betty has a brown paintbrush.

    Once listened to the tape ask them to say what they have understood and sticks the flash in the blackboard.

    Type: socialized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 5, 7.

    Time: 20 min.


    Activity 1

    (Class Book, page 9). Return to put the tape of the previous session stopping it after each description. Ask them to color the things. Put the tape so many times as it is necessary. Verify the answers asking: “What colour are Danny's scissors?, Who has a brown paintbrush?”

    Type: individualized, iconic.

    Obj.: 2, 5, 7, 9, 11.

    Time: 20 min.

    Activity 2

    “Open your Fun Books at page nine”. Indicate the drawings of the inferior part of the page. Ask “What's this?”.

    Once they have been identified asks the children who color them to their pleasure. Each object will have to be of a single color and different from the others. When they finish, it indicates to some object hidden in the puzzle and the same object in the inferior part of the page, “Find these things and colour them the same.”

    Ask them for count the objects and write the amount of each object in the star that they have to its side. Once the children have found all the objects and counted them, they must form phrases: “(Javi) has three green rulers. (Alba) has four blue crayons…”

    Answers: three rulers; one scissors; four crayons; one paintbrush.

    Type: individualized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 5, 8, 11.

    Time: 20 min.


    Activity 1

    Show the flash of the vocabulary so that they identify them and sang using melody of Frère Jacques.

    Look and listen! Look and listen!

    What is this? What is this?

    Is it a crayon? Is it a crayon?

    - Yes, it is o No, no, no.

    Type: socialized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 7.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    You present the numbers from the 7 to the 10 with flashcards. Count class objects, “Let's count. (seven books, eight rulers)” while you are reuniting them.

    When there is a pile of objects on the table, ask: “How many pens are there on the table?”

    Place the cards in the corners of the class and requests that they indicate the number that you said to them.

    Type: socialized, iconic.

    Obj.: 3, 7.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    “Open your Class Book at page ten”. We indicated the drawings of the inferior part of the page “A pen”, we indicated the disordered closet “Find the pens here. How many are there?” It is indicated to them that they must put the solution in stars. When they have finished corrects collectively “How many (books) are there? There are ---- (books)”. Ask them “What colour are the (pens)?”. If they do not respond complete phrases, it is repeated correctly.

    Answers: 9 yellow crayons; 6 blue books; 6 orange pens; 10 brown paintbrushes; 7 red scissors, 8 green rulers.

    Type: individualized, iconic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8.

    Time: 20 min.


    Activity 1

    Review the numbers and the objects with the flash. “Open your Fun Book at page ten”. Ask them: “How many crayons?” Indicating the numbers and the symbols in the trays. “Where are the crayons?” and you gesture of no knowing where, indicating the drawing so that they be given account that there are not the 6 objects indicated. “You draw five crayons in the box.” you proceed likewise with the rest. The children complete the activity.

    Answers: 5 crayons; 1 book; 2 pens; 3 paintbrushes; 1 scissor.

    Type: individualized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 6, 11.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 2

    Once finished the previous activity is asked them that color its drawings:

    The crayons are blue. Colour them blue.

    The books are red. Colour them red.

    The pens are green. Colour them green.

    The paintbrushes are yellow. Colour them yellow.

    The scissors are orange. Colour them orange.

    Type: individualized, iconic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 4, 8, 11.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    Five groups of five children are formed, and to each group it is said a number in secret in English. By groups they will leave to the shale and they will form the number with its bodies and the remainder of the class will have to guess them.

    Type: By groups, symbolic - dynamic.

    Obj.: 3, 6, 8, 10.

    Time: 15 min.


    Activity 1

    The numbers from the 1 to the 10 are reviewed by means of the following play: children have to say the numbers in order when be indicated them with the finger, but instead of 5 and 10 they owe to say OK. In the following way:

    “one, two, three, four, OK, six, seven, eight, nine, OK.”

    The one that be mistaken of number or say five/ ten, will remain eliminated, thus until the ones that remain not be mistaken.

    Type: socializada, symbolic - dynamic.

    Obj.: 3.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    Tell them the words big and small. We utilize the hands, objects of the class to teach what signify. It is asked the children that indicate small and large objects saying big and small to verify that have grasped the meaning. It is given him the order of “be big! or be small! ” at the same time that we stretch or us agachamos. Volunteers are asked to draw in the small and large shale objects.

    Type: socializada, icónica - dynamic.

    Obj.: 3, 4, 8.

    Time: 15 min.

    Activity 3

    Write 11 in the blackboard and say “Open your Class Books at page eleven. Practice the structure “Four orange books, How many red books? Three red books.

    Ask them “Point to to small blue ruler. Point to to big yellow book……” put the tape and listen the song two or three times and ask them to say colors, objects and numbers that they hear in the song. Placing the flash at the same time that the things are hearing.

    Type: socializada, icónica - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8.

    Time: 20 min.


    Activity 1

    Prepare the flash that you are going to utilize: book, crayon, pen, ruler, network, orange, yellow, blue, brown, green. Listen the tape of the previous session. Distribute the flash to ten children so that should raise it when hear its word in the song. Two children will do of big and small, being stretched or being shrunk.


    Red books

    Orange books

    Yellow and blue

    Big and small ones

    All for you!

    Pens and crayons

    Brown and blue

    Big green rulers

    All for you!

    The rest of the vocabulary (paintbrush / bag /chair/ table/ ball/scissors) and numbers are reviewed with the flashcards by questions “What's this?, Is it blue?, Is it to crayon? ”

    Type: socializada, icónica - dynamic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    Divide the class in five groups of five. We have prepared some photocopies of the flashcards of ten objects of class and of five numbers for each group; photocopies are divided into three pieces and they should seek five objects that them they be asked and to mount them. The material is distributed to each group and the instructions are indicated portraying them with one of the objects to the chance “You have to put the three pieces of the be me object together. ”

    To each group they are asked it different things:

    • Group 1: table/ two/ bag/ nine/ ruler.

    • Group 2: scissors/ four/ pen/ six/ book.

    • Group 3: crayon / six/ book/ eight/ paintbrush.

    • Group 4: paintbrush/ nine/ ruler/ seven/ bag.

    • Group 5: chair/ ten/ ball/ three/ crayon.

    It will be expected to that each group finish each object to give him the name of the following one. To correct the activity each group will owe to say in high the objects that have found which should be corresponded with the ones that them have been asked.

    Type: by groups, dynamic.

    Obj.: 2, 3, 4, 5, 10.

    Time: 20 min.

    Activity 3

    They are placed in the shale 42 cards that we had prepared beforehand (ruler, scissors, paintbrush, chair, table, pen, ball; all they for three colors and in large and in small). It is explained to the children that this play is like the “Veo-Veo”, but that in English is said “I spy with my little eye”

    The play consists of that one of the children think an object from the blackboard, and the other children should guess it by means of questions as: “Is it (big), Is it (red), Is it a (ruler )?”. The other alone boy will be able to respond Yes or Not.

    The boy that guess the object, go to the blackboard, indicates it and begins again the play.

    Type: socialized, iconic - symbolic.

    Obj.: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9.

    Time: 15 min.


    Activity 1

    You have to explain the purport of “in / on / under” , with a box and a crayon. “Look! This is a box and this is a red crayon. The red crayon is in/ on/ under the box. Where is the red crayon? It is ( in ) the box.”

    Ask the children to do the following: “Put the red crayon in/ on/ under the box / table/ chair..”

    Type: socialized, dynamic.

    Obj.: 2, 4, 5, 8.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 2

    You have to write in the slate the following sentences in key so that the children see them: We make sure that they understand the code, even asking in Spanish that they understand in the first sentence. The sentences are read with them in English, several times if it was necessary. Three volunteers are requested that leave to draw to the slate “Draw three red pens on the table, etc.”




    Type: socialized, iconic.

    Obj.:2, 3, 4, 5, 8.

    Time: 10 min.

    Activity 3

    Children have to work in pairs. Photocopies of the pages 146 - 147 of the professor's book are distributed, for each pair. Ask them to cut off the diverse parts of the bear and to glue them on carton. Indicate them to paint the bears and you have to explain them how to mount the bear with the binders. Once be finished the bears will be hung the cork and they will be exposed.

    Type: in pairs, iconic.

    Obj.: 9, 10, 11.

    Time: 25 min.

    The teacher will take advantage of that they are all working to carry out the Evaluation.

    The professor makes a photocopy for each boy of the page 138 of the guide book and guard them. He/she request to each boy that comes closer to his/her table so that they respond to the questions “What's this?. If they are able to say the word in English, two stars are marked (of understanding and of expression). If they don't respond, are they asked “Is it to….?”. If the boy only responds Yes / No correctly, is the first star marked, (of understanding) but not the second (of expression). The teacher stay the tests kept until the finalización of it, later they are distributed so that they keep it with the rest of their material.


    The material used to carry out this Didactic Unit has been since of maximum width, because we have not restricted ourselves only to the specific materials of the classroom but rather they have been used all type of instruments that could be employees in a pedagogic way.

    The fixed material that has been used has been the characteristic of the classroom and center, and the material of the text books: Class book, Fun Book, Guides of the professor, flashcards, cassette and photocopy material.

    Material of the environment, of the means of information and of the community, it has not been possible to use it due to the level of initiation of the the students, but in other levels it had been very interesting to work with it.

    It has been used, on the other hand, material of own elaboration for games and activities mainly for the session number eight that the one that I put into practice was. There has also been improvised didactic material.


    The motivation in this Unit has been projected toward the necessities and the students' interests, keeping in mind its age and its physical state during the classes. All the elements of the programming can be motivational, although the activities are the biggest support to the motivation.

    Many activities have for function an initial motivation in the children, so that they are interested in the session that will carry out. These activities are thought as starting point.

    Other essential activities are the reinforcement activities that are introduced when appears the decline, fatigue or monotony in the class. These are usually those more dynamic or those that the students like more (to paint, to draw).

    On the other hand the elements of final motivation are but well synthesis activities or a little more relaxed that those of the rest of the session, because they are already tired and they need activities that relax them.


    The teaching method should make comfortable to the student's psychological peculiarities, to its learning rhythm and the concrete social atmosphere they are include. The objectives formulated in this unit have been thought so that the students could reach them with easiness but not without some effort.

    It is important to create a climate relaxed in the classroom because a method that can create this climate has more possibilities of success, because it favors the autonomy and the boy's freedom.

    In relation to the contents, it is progressive, orderly and gradual, from the easiest thing to most difficult, favoring this way the significant learning. It responds to the structuring and sequence of objectives and contents.

    In class the collaboration should be fomented and not the competition among the children.

    Lastly, our method demonstrates its effectiveness in the educational results achieved since they have been overcome the objectives that we have formulated.


    I believe that it would be the most appropriate thing to evaluate alone the session that I put into practice with the children since all the other ones are only theoretical estimates of how I would carry out a Didactic Unit.

    For the session number eight, I prepared three activities to refresh the vocabulary and the structures that they had seen in the previous sessions. The activities that I developed were mainly games since it is the main motivation of all boy.

    The first activity (the song) I thought that it would be good idea to carry out it in the first place since it served them as review of some words and colors, besides being a good initial motivation to begin the class. This activity also completes many of the objectives that were had foreseen, as much cognitives as psicoaffective.

    The activity number two were the most dynamic, for that reason I wanted to carry out it in second place. The problem that originated was the division of the class in groups and the placement of its tables, because they created a din and we had lost lots of time. At the beginning the children neither understood very well on what it consisted the game, and I have to repeat in different ways several times.

    Also occur a small accident with the group 3, since it was not the puzzle of the first word among their material and for that reason they took more time in completing the activity that the rest of their partners.

    The error was mine, but still not know how could happen since had been preparing it to conscience. This activity went the most problematic at level of method, but it completed the objectives of the unit and the children liked it enough. The turn of this activity, in which should be standing, to the following one, in which returned to its seats, was not as disastrous as it had been before it.

    The last activity should be relax because they make many nerves in that type of activities due to its great competitiveness, what is normal in children of these ages. The game `I spy with my little eye', all liked it and although didn't got time to that all the children left to be thought an object, all participated and they have fun.

    I had some problems when wanting to explain on what consisted the activity, when all the children know how to play to the'veo-veo'. I have complicated my life a little, and I confused them a bit. In general I believe that the session came out quite well, and although I had some problems, the objectives were completed and they saw the contents formulated in the programming.



    - Localization of Syllabus.

    - Characteristics.

    - Group Analysis.

    - Personal and formal resources.

    - Presentation of the unit.




    Materials, means and resources.


    Method and teaching-learning process.


    Diseño Curricular de la Lengua Inglesa

    (Syllabus Desing)

    3º Lengua Extranjera .

    Enviado por:Natolga
    Idioma: inglés
    País: España

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