T-shirt: samarret Rubber band: goma de cabell
Shirt: camisa Waistcoat: armilla
Pants: sudadera Coat: abric
Bag: bolso Water coat: impermeable
Socks: mitjons Collar: collar
Jacket: jaqueta Ring: anell
Jersey: jersei Watch: rellotge
Sweater: suéter Belt: cinturó
Pullver: jersei Sport shoes: sabates esportives
Underpants: calçotets Anorak: anorac
Underwear: roba interior Xandall: xandall
Bra: sustens Dress: vestit de dona
Hat: barret Suit: vestit o jaqueta
Riding cap: gorra Trousers: pantalons
Skirt: faldilla Pants: calçotets
Wirtercap: passa muntanyes Glasses: ulleres
Blouse: brusa Bath dress: banyador
Boots: botes Pyjamas: pijama
Shoes: sabates Jersey: jersei
Tie: corbata Hair grip: clip de cabell
Slipper: sabatilles de casa Sunglasses: ulleres de sol
Scarf: bufanda Bracellet: bracelet
Tights: sabates Erraings: arrecades
Hair band: cinta de cabell
Bat: rat panat Lion: lleo
Snake: serp Spider: aranya
Polar bear: os polar Bee: abella
Panda bear: os panda Wasp: abespa
Bear: os Wolf: llop
Jaguar: jaguar Penguin: pingüí
Horse: caball Rat: rata
Fox: guineu Butterfly: papallona
Flamingo: flameng Crocodile: cocodril
Elephant: elefant Giraffe: girafa
Ant: formiga Warm: cuc
Camel: camell Fish: peix
Dog: gos Owl: mussol
Cat: gat Squirrol: esquirol
Mouse: ratolí Crab: cranc
Pig: porc Salmon: salmó
Tortoise: tortuga Shell: petxina
Zebre: zebre Canary: canari
Shark: tauró Budgerigar: periquito
Xacall: xacal Chicken: pollastre
Rhinoseros: rinoseron Hen: gallina
Cow: baca Gorilla :
Sheep:obella Goat: cabra
Monkey: mono Tiger: tigre
Cock: gall Hiena: hiena
Duck: ànec Hippotamus: hipopòtam
Swan: cigne Scorion: escorpí
Dragon: dragó Lizard: llargandaix
Chamaleon: camaleó Hedgehog: eriçó
Ostric: ostre Sardine: sardina
Ladybird: marieta Fly: mosca
Locust: llagosta Bull: toro
Buffalo: bufal Dragon fly: libel.lula
Peacock: pavo real Turkey: pavo
Deer: cervol Patrudge: perdiu
Frog: granota Cricket: grill
Parrot: lloro Jelly fish: madusa
Octopus: pop Prawn: gamba
The Alphabet
Ei U E I
A: ei U: yu F: ef C: si
H: eich Q: qu L: el D: di
J: jey W: dabl yu M: em G: gi
K: key N: en P: pi
S: es T: ti
X: eis V: vi
Z: zet E: i
R: ar
O: ou
I: ai
1- one 20- twenty 1st- first
2- two 30- thirty 2nd- second
3- three 40- forty 3rd- third
4- four 50- fifty 4th- fourth
5- five 60- sixty 5th- fifth
6- six 70- seventy 6th- sixth
7- seven 80- eighty 7th- seventh
8- eight 90- ninety 8th- eighth
9- nine 100- one hundred 9th- ninth 10- ten 1000- one thousand 10th- tenth
11- eleven 1000000- one million
12- twelve
13- therteen
14- fourteen
15- fifteen
16- sixteen
17- seventeen
18- eighteen
19- nineteen
White blanc
Yellow groc
Orange taronge
Red vermell
Pink rosa
Green verd
Blue blau
Brown marró
Black negre
Playing Football Playing Basketball
Playing Tennis Playing Hokey
Playing Bicicle Playing Ski
Watching T.V Reading
Playing Computer Speaking
Dancing Bowling
Painter: Pintor Taxi Driver: Taxista
Shop assistant: Dependent Driver: Conductor
Housewife: Dona de casa Architect: Arquitecte
Actor: Actor Civil Servant: Funcionari
Waiter: Camaré Butcher: Carnisser
Dentist: Dentiste Barber: Barbé
Electrican: Electricista Cook: Cuiner
Typist: Mecanògrafa Firemen: Bomber
Doctor: Doctor Clown: Pallasso
Nurse: Enfermera Football player: Futbolista
Postman: Carter
Policeman: Polícia
Secretary: Secretari
The Famili
Grandfather: avi Grandmother: avia
Uncle: tiet Aunt: tieta
Father: pare Mother: mare
Son: fill Daughter: filla
Brother: germà Sister: germana
Sister in law: cunyada Brother in law: cunyat
Twins: bessons Godfather: padrí
Cousin: cosí Mother-in-law: sogra
Father-in-law: sogre
Food and Drink
Aigua: water Sardine: sardine
All: garlic Sopa: soup
Admetlles: almonds Tomàquet: tomato
Sucre: sugar Vi: wine
Arròs: rice Suc: juice
Cafè amb llet: white coffee Avellana: haselnut
Fideus: noodles Bistec: steak
Farina: flour Cafè: coffee
Gelat: ice cream Chocolate: Chocolate
Ou: egg Croqueta: croquette
Llet: milk Ceba: onion
Llimona: lemon Peix: fish
Plàtan: banana Mel: honey
Patates fregides: chips Taronge: orange
Puré: puree Pera: pear
Formatge: cheese
Days of the week
Monday: dilluns Friday: divendres
Tuesday: dimarts Saturday: dissabte
Wednesday: dimecres Sunday: diumenge
Thursday: dijous
Months of the year
Janury: gener July: juliol
February: febrer August: agost
March: març September: setembre
April: abril October: octubre
May: maig November: novembre
June: juny December: desembre
Seasons of the year
Winter: hivern Autumn: tardo
Spring: primavera Summer: estiu
The date
1st-4-1980 = first april nineteen eighty
2nd-11-1991 = second november nineteen ninety one
3rd-8-1993 = third august nineteen ninety three
5th-7-1993 = fifth july nineteen ninety three
9th-1-1994 = ninth janury nineteen ninety four
11th-12-1994 = eleven december nineteen ninety four
17th-9-1996 = seventeen september nineteen ninety six
20th-6-1996 = twenty june nineteen ninety six
15th-2-1998 = fifteen february nineteen ninety eight
30th-10-1999 = thirty october nineteen ninety nine
31-4-1999 = thirty one april nineteen ninety nine
31-12-2000 = thirty one december two thousand
Hours / the time
The house
Hair: cabell Finger: dit
Eye: ull Nail: ungla
Nose: nas Eyebrow: cella
Mouth: boca Bottom: cul
Ear: urella Penis: penis
Neck: coll Vulva: vulva
Leg: cama Belly: panxa
Chest: pit Arm: braç
Foot: peu
Enviado por: | El remitente no desea revelar su nombre |
Idioma: | catalán |
País: | España |