






Reduplicativas de modo subjuntivo


Se forman:



Which _ever + sujeto + may + infinitivo





Vayan donde vayan, les encontraré

Wherever they may go I´ll find them


Vengan cuando vengan, les recibiré

Whenever they may come, I´ll receive them


De posibilidad o probabilidad


Se forman:

It´s posible

Maybe ......+ sujeto + future

It may (puede)



Tal vez apruebe el próximo año

Maybe I´ll pass the next year


Puede q llueva

Maybe It´ll rain


De modo condicional:


Tipo I:

If + pasado + condicional simple



Si lo pensaras mejor, vendrías + veces

If you though it better, you would come more times


Te lo daría, si me lo devolvieses

I would give you, if you gave it back to me




Tipo II:

If + pasado perfecto + condicional compuesto



Si lo hubieses terminado a tiempo, habríamos buscado otra solución

If you had finished it on time, we would have looked for another solution


Ellos me habrían ayudado, si yo hubiera estado aquí

They would have helped me, if I had been here




Se forman:

I wish (ojala)

+ sujeto + pasado perfecto

If only (al menos)



Ojala vinieran hoy

I wish they came today


Preferiría q no vinieseis tan tarde

I wish you didn´t came so late


Si al menos fuera cierto!

If only were true!


Dependiente de una impersonal:


Se forma:


It´s dificult ......+ for + objeto + to + infinitivo

It was neccesary

It was impossible




Es fácil q lo hagan

It´s easy for them to do it


Era imposible q aparecieran tan pronto

It was imposible for them to appear so son


Será necesario q lo averiguen + pronto

It will neccesary for them to find out so son





HAVE / GET (Causative)


(Me ha cortado el pelo, he arreglado el coche....)

Cuando alguien lo ha hecho x nosotros.


Se forma:

Have + nombre/nombre de la frase (su pelo, tu diente...) + participio pasado



Voy a pintar mi casa

I´m going to paint my house

I´m going to have my house painted


Debemos ir al dentista xa q nos saquen un diente

We must go to the dentit to have (get) our tooth pulled out






Estructura de la frase pasiva


Greenpeace has presented a new campaing against whale hunting

Sujeto activo verbo activo objeto activo




A new campaign aginst whale hunting has been presented by Greenpeace

Sujeto pasivo verbo pasivo agente






Verbs followed by to infinitive


Ask, agree, arrange, choose, decide, expect, happen, seem, hope, learn, need, offer, prepare, promise, refuse, want


Verbs followed by gerund


Admit, aoid, consider, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, mind, can´t stand, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can´t help, keep on, practise, suggets





Enviado por:Becky
Idioma: castellano
País: España

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