
Strange but true; Alison Batxer

'Strange but true; Alison Batxer'

Autor: Alison Batxer

Title: Strange but true

Level: 3

'Strange but true; Alison Batxer'


I didn't have problem with the vocabulary because this is very easy

A Checking your understanding

Pages 1-5 Find answers to these questions

1.When was the Great Pyramid built?

  • The great pyramid was built 4.500 years ago

2.How many rows of stones are there al Carnac?

  • There are eleven rows of rocks in Carnac

3.Where is Stonehenge?

  • Stonehenge is found in Wiltshire, England

4.What is the best way to see the Nazca lines?

  • The lines of Nazca can only be seen for the air

Pages 6-11 How much can you remember? Check your answers

1.What did Doug Bower and Dave Chorley say that they had done?

  • They said that: For many years they had been doing the strange forms

2.What did Jacques Aymar find by dowsing?

  • It was done famous thanks to that finded to the murderers of a rich man and its wife

3.Why were people surprised that the Chinese man was


  • They were amazed because the man did not feel pain when they cut him the alone chest by having a needle in the right arm

4.Where does the oldest picture of reflexology come from?

  • The oldest picture of reflexology comes from does some 2.500 BC,from Egypt

Pages 12-17 Write answers to these questions.

1.What is the name of the line on your palm nearest your


  • The line of the hand that is but near the fingers heart is called

2.Why did Joicey's mother phone the cinema?

  • The lady called at cinema to know as was its daughter

3.What did Rhine ask people to guess in this tests?

4.Why were the new students of an America university

teacher surprised in 1981?

  • Because entered its class fallen in a bed of nails

Pages 18-23 How much can you remember? Where…

1.Where did poltergeist appear in 1967?

  • A spirit appeared

2.Where did people go to ask about the future in 500 BC?

  • The people were going to ask to Delphi

3.Where did two English women see people in eighteenth-

century clothes?

  • In the gardens of Versailles, France

4.Where did Harry Martindale see Roman soldiers?

  • Harry saw the soldiers in New York in 1953

Pages 24-27 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1.Some cats have travelled thousands of kilometres to get


  • True

2.There is no noise under the sea.

  • False

3.Birds and dogs both use smell to find their way.

  • True

B Working with language

1. Put together these beginnings and endings of


1.Reflexology is when someone studies your head to find out about you.

2.Phrenology is when someone touches your feet to make you feel better.

3.Dowsing is when someone looks for water under the ground.

4.Telepathy is wen someone knows what you are thinking.

5.Acupuncture is when someone puts needles in your body to make you well.

2 Complete these sentences with information from

the book

  • Kuda Bux's feet were not damaged although the temperature on top of the fire was measured as 430º

  • Franz Gall had two friends whit big eyes who were good at remembring so he decided that remembering happened in the part of the brain just behind the eyes.

  • 3.Mrs Brennan told her friends about the explosion at lunch time but later she discovered that the explosion happened around 5pm, several hours after she had heard about it.

    4.Homing pigeons have this name because they are always able to find their way home.

    C Activities

    1.Did you try any of the Try it yourself! Activities in this book? Write a letter to a friend telling him or her about it.

    • As these Eva? Today I have been reading a good book tries the things strange and there is some small activities where you can as to tell it to relax you are very amusing I did that of the telepathy him that remove clear was that I do not have telepathic powers! jaja that laughter.

    See you soon


    2.Choose one story or strange ability from this book that you believe and one that you do not believe. Explain why

    • I believe in: The magic

    • Do Not I believe in: the extraterrestrials

    • I Believe in the magic because many things make no sense without the magic and I believe because causes feels me but sure as if all a protective breeze that protects us of the harmful force do

    • Not I believe in the Martian neither other because is physically impossible and because could not believe that there they be other beings over us because if this were Already its slaves.

    D Project work

    1. Find out as much as you can about how animals

    (a) Find their way, or (b) `talk' to each other

    • Imagine having to find your way as a newly-hatched sea turtle, thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean. How do they do it?

    • Well, according to US scientists young loggerhead turtles, an endangered species, have their own 'compass'.

    • The turtles were fitted with special tiny swimming suits and put in tanks to see how they reacted to magnetic fields.


    • They found out the turtles used an internal 'compass' which recognises changes in the Earth's magnetic field and so points them in the right direction.

    • When they start their amazing journey which can take up to 10 years, they're about five centimetres long and defenceless.

    • Even as they hatch, they're in danger of being eaten by ghost crabs, raccoons, skunks, foxes, or dogs. In the oceans, they face sea birds, crabs, and carnivorous fishes.

    • They make the dangerous and long migration swim across the oceans to escape being eaten.

  • Find out about a famous place in your country where:

  • (a) people have seen ghosts, or (b) there are strange

    stones or lines.

    • Stretching across the Nazca plains like a giant map or blueprint left by ancient astronauts, lie the famous Nazca Lines of Peru. Peru is associated with the Incan Civilization who many link with alien visitors who still interact with local people to this day.

    • The Nazca Lines are an engima. No one has proof who built them or why. Since their discovery, the Nazca Lines have inspired fantastic explanations from ancient gods, a landing strip for returning aliens, a celestial calendar created by the ancient Nazca civilization -- putting the creation of the lines between 200 BC and 600 AD, used for rituals probably related to astronomy, to confirm the ayllus or clans who made up the population and to determine through ritual their economic functions held up by reciprocity and redistribution, or a map of underground water supplies.

    • There are also huge geoglyphs in Egypt, Malta, United States (Mississippi and California), Chile, Bolivia and in other countries. But the Nazca geoglyphs, because of their numbers, characteristics, dimensions and cultural continuity, as they were made and remade through out the whole prehispanic period, form the most impressive, as well as enigmatic, archeological group.


    • The Nazca Lines are located in the Nazca Desert, a high arid plateau that stretches between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the pampa (a large flat area of southern Peru). The desolate plain of the Peruvian coast which comprises the Pampas of San Jose (Jumana), Socos, El Ingenio and others in the province of Nasca, is 400 Km. South of Lima, covers an area of approximately 450 km2, of sandy desert as well as the slopes of the contours of the Andes. They cover nearly 400 square miles of desert. Etched in the surface of the desert pampa sand about 300 hundred figures made of straight lines, geometric shapes most clearly visible from the air.

    Nazca Plain

    • The Nazca plain is virtually unique for its ability to preserve the markings upon it, due to the combination of the climate (one of the driest on Earth, with only twenty minutes of rainfall per year) and the flat, stony ground which minimises the effect of the wind at ground level. With no dust or sand to cover the plain, and little rain or wind to erode it, lines drawn here tend to stay drawn. These factors, combined with the existence of a lighter-coloured subsoil beneath the desert crust, provide a vast writing pad that is ideally suited to the artist who wants to leave his mark for eternity.

    • The pebbles which cover the surface of the desert contain ferrous oxide. The exposure of centuries has given them a dark patina. When the gravel is removed, they contrast with the color underneath. In this way the lines were drawn as furrows of a lighter color, even though in some cases they became prints. In other cases, the stones defining the lines and drawings form small lateral humps of different sizes. Some drawings, especially the early ones, were made by removing the stones and gravel from their contours and in this way the figures stood out in high relief.

    • The concentration and juxtaposition of the lines and drawings leave no doubt that they required intensive long-term labor as is demonstrated by the stylistic continuity of the designs, which clearly correspond to the different stages of cultural changes.

    Enviado por:Mónica Martínez Gómez
    Idioma: inglés
    País: España

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