Economía y Empresa
SCOR Model
Description and Value of
The SCOR Model
1. Introduction..........................................
2. What a Process Reference Model is........
2.1.What a Process Reference Model can...........
2.2.What a Process References Model contains .
2.3. Once a Model captured, what we can do......
2.4. How the Model works..................................
3. How the Model is used
3.1. Description of levels....................................
3.1.1. Level 1.......................................................
3.1.2. Level 2.......................................................
3.1.3. Level 3.......................................................
4.Value of the SCOR Model.......................
5. Conclusions.............................................
6. Bibliography .......................................
1. Introduction
What is the Supply-Chain Management (SCM)?
What does it means for us?
Supply-Chain Management has diferents means for a different people, but one thing is clear, the business wants to achieve efficiency source, make and deliver.
All of us, knew that the Supply-Chain are all the interconnected resources and necessaries activities to make and delivery products and services to customers; since we get natural resources of the Earth until we return them.
The Supply-Chain Management is coordination, planing, purchase, make, material, sourcing, storage, orders, distribution through of the channels, inventories and delivers of products and services. It's the information process from customers to suppliers.
This model analyse from suppliers to customers.
SCOR is a tool of management.
The SCOR mean Supply Chain Operations Reference- model and has been developed and endorsed by the Supply-Chain council (SCC). This corporation made this model in 1996.
This Model is a general model but after, each company adapts the model to its Supply chain.
2. What a Process Reference Model is.........
Process reference models integrate the well-known concepts of business process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a cross-functional framework.
These concepts are the basis of Process Reference Model. They have extracted the process of business and standardising processes.
2.1.What a Process Reference Model can...........
Capture the "as-is" state of a process and derive the desired "to-be" future state.
Ever we must know where we are and where want we to go. We have to analyse the situation of our company. We want know how is it, because if we don't know this information, we not to become anything.
Also we need to know which direction we are going on and where we want arrived.
Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on "best-in-class" results.
We quantify the different process and like that we will can work with results and operations easier.
Characterise the management practices and software solutions that result in "best-in-class" performance.
Here we have that develop practices and forms of management and also we work with software solution for to achieve goods results.
2.2.What a Process References Model contains .
Standard descriptions of management processes.
A framework of relationships among the standard processes.
Standard metrics to measure process performance.
Management practices that produce best-in-class performance.
Standard alignment to software features and functionality.
As we can see the model contain standard processes because it is a general model and we can implement it in all kind of companies
2.3. Once a Model captured, what we can do......
First when we have captured the process, we can implement and see like model work. Then:
Implemented purposefully to achieve competitive advantage.
Described unambiguously and communicated.
Measured, managed, and controlled.
When we can measure, managed and controlled, we can make change of orientations. We will see if we are going well, if our direction is right or wrong and then:
Tuned and re-tuned to a specific purpose. We will make the necessary changes.
2.4. How the Model works..................................
This Model makes basics strategies decisions in the next areas:
Delivers. Performance in the deliveries.
Performance in the fulfillment of the orders
Capacity of reinstatement. Is Just in Time(JIT)
Time of fulfillment of the order.
Cost of guarantee.
Cost of re-process of the returns.
Flexibility of production.
Cycle of cash.
Time of response the supply chain.
Productivity in added value.
Days of inventory scope.
Return of the assets.
But the company can't be the best in all the areas, for this reason we need to choose among the different areas and concentrate on the rights ones for our company so, it can be the most successful one.
A long time ago, the maker was the drivers of supply chain and they make products and distribution but now the customers are drivers and the maker are resolving supply customers for options, styles, features, fast fulfillment of order and fast delivery.
Enviado por: | Abel |
Idioma: | inglés |
País: | España |