
Money for a Motorbike; John Milne

'Money for a Motorbike; John Milne'

Stuart: He is the principal actor. He was seventeen years old and live in Leeds.

Martin: He's a fried of Stuard, work in a garage.

Frank: He's “okupa”.

Policemen-1: -------------

Policemen-2: -------------

Stuard is a young boy. He lives in leed.He has got a friend, he's name `s Martin.

Martin works in a garage.He has a motorbike,but he wants to sale it. Stuard wants to buy it, but he doesn't have money enough.

He walks on the street and he looks an “okupa”.He shout Stuard. The okupa speaks with Stuard. His name is Frank. He tells him to keep a house. Frank walks down the street. Stuard enter in the house and looks some calendari paper on the floor. More late Frank arrives and takes a knife. Stuard goes to the street and hides some money what he tooks in the house. Frank waits for Stuard; Franks has a knife in his hand. He goes down to the street but two policeman look Frank with the knife in his hand. Stuard has some money to buy the motorbike. Frank caughts be policeman. Stuard goes to the garage to buy the motorbike. While Stuard make detour Frank looks his and tell a policeman that Stuard robbed his money. At the end Stuard has again the money for Frank and the motorbike for Martin.

Threw: Llençar, tirar alguna cosa.

Brightly: Brillantment.

Quickly: Ràpid, de pressa.

Wrapped Wrap: Embolicar.

Footsteps: Passa, pas.

Carefully Careful: Amb cuidado, curosament.

  • Index.........................................................2

  • Character..................................................3

  • Sumary.......................................................4-5

  • Vocabulary.................................................6

  • Personal opinion........................................7

  • My personal opinion abaut this book is positive, because the subject is actual. I like this book because Stuard has some problems dued to he hasn't any money to buy a motorbike.


    Enviado por:Victor Comas Peña
    Idioma: inglés
    País: España

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