Educación y Pedagogía




  • 1.1 Age of the students:

Nine years old, fourth course of primary education.

1.2 Previous knowledge:

Names of some animals (elephant, bear, lion, tiger...) and some kinds of food (bananas, meat...)

1.3 Interests of the students.

They are very interested about the animals of the zoo, because they can´t see them frecuently. They only watch them on T.V, but they can´t see most of them in their real lifes.


2.1 Comunicative situation the teaching unit is based on

2.1.1 Setting: The zoo.

2.1.2 Number and social roles of the participants: The

guide of the zoo, the man who works selling the

tickets, the teacher and pupils.

2.1.3 Topic:

a) The animals of the zoo.

b) The teacher.

c) The man who is selling the tickets.

  • The price of the ticket ( could be in dollars or in

  • pounds).

    • e) The guide of the zoo.

    f) Pupils.

    • g) Prohibitions like: Don´t walk on the grass, Don´t

    • smoke...

    2.1.4 Attitudes regarding the participants and about

    the topic: All the students are partners in the class and they have a good relation between them and with the teacher too.

    2.2 Script of the situation:

    Macrotext: the students go to the zoo because most of

    the animals that can be there are from other countries

    and pupils must see them.


  • First pupils go to the zoo with the teacher. When they arrive to the zoo they have to buy the tickets. Children can pay in dollars or pounds to practise with the English or American money. With this activity they have to practise the question: “How much is it?”.

  • After that, a guide will go with them, around the zoo. He or she will explain which is each animal, where does each one come from, what does each animal eat...

  • Children read the prohibitions that there are around the zoo like: “Don´t smoke”, “Don´t give food to the animals”, “Don´t walk on the grass”, “Don´t disturb the lions”...

  • 2.3 Props.

    First, pupils with the help of the teacher, have to make a scale model, which is made of porexpan, cartoon, paper, sticks (macrosticks and microsticks), glue, coffee, grass, breadcrumbs and straw.

    Pupils have to make drawings of each animal and each other thing that they can see in a zoo like trees, cage, public toilets, a public telephone, bins, the lake for the aquatic animals, the ticket office, street lamps and the plants.

    2.4 Linguistic skills needed:

    Speaking: They have to review the vocabulary that they´ll need to use in the communicative situation.

    Listening: Is very important because they have to see how to pronounce each name, to use after in the communicative situation.

    Reading: They have to read the animal´s names which are wrotten around the zoo. There are other things that they can read like the prohibitions, the public places and things (telephone, toilet,...) and the price of the tickets.

    2.5 General goal of the teaching unit.

    The general goal is that pupils learn the names of the animals and all the things that they can see in the zoo.

    2.6 Evaluation.

  • Flashcards.

  • Domino.

  • Crossword

  • Situation test.

  • Maps.

  • Inglés
    We think that the evaluation would be oral, because is very important a correct pronunciation of all the words, but the teacher could make a written exam too.

    2.7 New contents:

    2.7.1 Linguistic: new vocabulary about animals, food

    and countries.

    2.7.2 Sociolinguistic --------

    2.7.3 Sociocultural: money, relate the country with

    the animal using maps.

    2.7.4 Discursive: use of expressions like: “How much is it?”, “Where does each animal come from?”, “What does kangaroo eat?”.

    2.7.5 Strategic: they can be surprised when the

    guide talk them about some exotic animal, for example the ostrich, using expresions about the strategic competence like: oh!, really?…

    2.8 Old contents.

    We think that they only have a small idea about

    animals and food, but they didn´t see it on third

    course. So, most of the contens are new for them.


    3.1 Number of lessons needed:

    Six lessons.

    3.1.1 First lessons: activities to learn new contents and to review old contents.

  • In the first lesson the teacher gives pupils a paper with drawings and pupils have to put each name in the correct place. This is very useful for the teacher to know the previous knowledge of the children.

  • In the second lesson the teacher shows pupils the flashcards about the animals that they can find in a zoo. The teacher stick the drawings on the wall and then he or she puts the names under each one.

  • In the third lesson pupils with help of the teacher have to make a domino, with small pieces of cartoon, drawings ... and this activity consists in match each drawing with the correct name. With this activity they can learn and enjoy to themselves at the same time.

  • In the fourth lesson the teacher gives them a paper with a crossword where they have to put the correct names. Other activity is the situation test that consists in put the animal in the correct place.

  • In the fifth lesson : This activity is about the situation of the animals in a map. Each animal where each one come from.

  • In the sixth lesson pupils have to make all the pieces for the communicative situation. At the same time they have to learn some expressions that they can use in the zoo like: How much is a ticket?, what is the name of this animal?, what does this animal eat?...

  • Last lesson: communicative situation.

  • In the communicative situation, children could be in groups of people, where one of them could be the guide of the zoo, other could be the man who sells the tickets, other could be the teacher and the last people could be pupils who go to visit the zoo.

    The communicative situation become when the visitors go to buy the tickets, then the guide explains all the things about the animals (where does each animal come from, names, food that each one eats and all the characteristics of each one.)

    Teacher can give some advices to pupils like: “don´t give food to animals”, “please, be quiet”, “ please, walk in group”, “there are public toiletes if you want go”, there is a public telephone if you want call”...

    Finally, pupils can ask something to the guide like: “what is the favourite food of parrots?”...

    3.2 Structure of the first lesson.

    3.2.1 Teaching goal.

  • First lesson: The teaching goal is that pupils connect each name with the correct drawing and with this activity the teacher can know the previous knowledge of each pupil about this topic.

  • Second lesson: The teaching goal is that children can learn the names and at the same time that they relate them with the drawings in the flashcards.

  • Third lesson: The teaching goal is that they make a domino helping themselves with the other two lessons.

  • Fourth lesson: The teaching goal is that pupils resolve a crossword using the vocabulary about animals and they have other exercise where they have to put each animal in the correct place, so pupils can learn the names and how to write each name.

  • Fifth lesson: This is a sociocultural activity which consists in put the animal in the correct place in the map.

  • Sixth lesson: The teaching goal is that children learn all the vocabulary about the things that they can find in a zoo, and for this, they have to make a scale model of the zoo. At the same time, they can learn some structures to use in the communicative situation like: “where is the toilet?”, and lots of expressions that we mentioned before...

  • 3.2.2 Contents.

  • First lesson: Names of the animals that pupils can find in a zoo and drawings of them too. (Sociocultural and linguistic contents).

  • Second lesson: the same contents, but in this case teacher shows flashcards with drawings.

  • Third lesson: domino with the animal´s names and the correct drawings. (Linguistic contents).

  • Fourth lesson: crossword with the animal' s names. (Linguistic contents).

  • Fifth lesson: this lesson has a sociocultural content, because they have to put the animals in the correct map. (Sociocultural contents)

  • Sixth lesson: is the communicative situation. (Linguistic, strategic, discursive and sociocultural.)

  • 3.2.3 Activities. Type.

    Activities to learn new contents, because pupils are nine years old and we think that they go to see the activities by first time. Skills needed.

    Speaking: They have to review the vocabulary that they´ll need to use in the communicative situation.

    Listening: Is very important because they have to see how to pronounce each name, to use after in the communicative situation.

    Reading: They have to read the animal´s names which are wrotten around the zoo. There are other things that they can read like the prohibitions, the public places and things (telephone, toilet,...) and the price of the tickets. Timing.

    Each lesson remains about 55 minutes. Most of them have only one activity, but some of them has two activities. Contents.

    The contents of the activities are of different kinds: linguistic, sociocultural, strategic and discursive. (We described each activity before). Goal.

    The principal goal is that children learn the names of the animals which they can find in the zoo, because most of the animals are animals that pupils can´t see frecuently in their real lifes like can be a dog or a cat. Description of the activity.

    The activities are different, but the contents are always the same. Children can learn with the crossword, the domino and the situation on the map but they are learning the names of the animals all the time. (We described each activity before). Instructions for the students.

    The instructions wouldn´t be the same for all the activities, so we'll go to explain some of them for each activity:

    “In this activity, you have to relate each drawing with the correct name”, for example in the flashcards activity or in the domino, or in the crossword too. In the activity of the maps, the teacher can give them this instruction: “you have to put each animal in the correct map or in the correct country”. Teaching aids needed.

    The principal teaching aid needed is review the old

    vocabulary that they can find in the zoo, like: plants,

    grass, tree, toilet...

    3.3 Structure of last lesson.

    3.3.1 Teaching goal: general goal of the teaching unit.

    The general goal of the teaching unit is that children learn new vocabulary about the animals of the zoo, the food that each animal eats, expressions for buying the tickets and some another important expressions.

    3.3.2 Contents: script of the situation.

    The situation is the visit to the zoo. First pupils have to buy the ticket at the ticket´s office. Then, one guide explains them all about the animals while pupils walk around the zoo. The teacher gives them some instructions like: “don´t give food to the animals, “please, walk in group”, pupils can ask lots of questions to the guide and to the teacher too.

    3.3.3 Activity: communicative situation including props.

    The communicative situation happens when children go to the zoo. There, they buy the tickets using expressions like: “How much is it?”, “How much is the ticket?”, then the teacher gives them some instructions like: “Don´t give food to the animals, “Please, put the rubbish in the bins”, “Don't walk on the grass”, “Don't disturb the animals”... After that, pupils begin to walk around the zoo seeing the animals and the guide explains them all about the animals and children ask questions to the guide like: “What animal is this?”, “What does tiger eat?”, “Where does ostrich come from?” pupils can ask some questions to the teacher too...


    Enviado por:Azteca
    Idioma: inglés
    País: España

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