

Average - media

Though - a pesar de que

Guess - deducir

Float - flotar

Deal with - tratar con alguien

Matter - asunto

Event - suceso

Topic / subjet / theme - tema

Unless - a menos que / si no

Reporter - informar

Ballon - globo

Aim - meta / propósito

To aim - intentar

Strenth - fuerza

Related to - relacionado con

As far as - en medida de lo que puedas

To excel in - destacar en

Overcome - superar

Marmelade - mermelada de naranja

Warning - aviso

Set off - partir(vuelo)

Tap - grifo

Air hostess - azafata

Until - hasta que

Brush - cepillar

Comb - peine / peinar

Doll - muñeca

Teddy bear - osito de peluche

Bear - soportar

Kindergarten - guardería

Pick up - recoger algo del suelo

Proud - orgulloso

Statements - afirmaciones

To state - afirmar

Shave - afeitarse

Save - ahorrar

Duties - los placeres de la vida

Enjoyment - ´´ ´´ ´´ ´´

Wisdom - sabiduría

Wise - sabio

Hit - dañar

Share - compartir

Mess - desorden

Messy - desordenado

Pardom - perdón

Flush - tirar de la cadena

Nap - siesta

Watch out - ¡cuidado! (con el tráfico)

Be aware of - ser consciente de

Roots - raíces

Neither did i / nor did i - yo tampoco

Selfish - egoísta

Succes - éxito

Extrapolate - extrapolar

Apply - aplicar

Apply for - solicitar

Moisture cream - crema hidratante

Firm - empresa / firme

Really - verdaderamente

Wonder - maravilla

Seed - semilla

Carton - cartón

Values - valores

Apologize - pedir disculpas

Sensible - sensato

Blanket - manta

Manage - arreglárselas

Educated - educado

Sympathetic - comprensivo

Definitely - en definitiva

Deny - negar

Avoid - evitar

Fancy - apetecer

Involve - involucrar

Improve - mejorar

Miss - perder

Mind - importar

Turn out - resultó ser

Tired - cansado

Gossip - chismorrear

Burglar / steal - robar

In fashion - a la moda

Mask - máscara

Envy - envidiar

Hesitate - dudar

Thieves - ladrones

Otstretched hand - mano estirada

Guest - visita

Racks - estanterías

Earn - ganar

Barefoot - desclazo

Amazed - asombrado

Slippers - zapatillas

Thin - delgado

Host - anfitrión

Customer - cliente

Shake - sacudir

Mend - importar

Bow - inclinarse

Soon - pronto

Hide - esconder

Laugh - reir

Compliment - cumplido

Both - ambos

Storey - piso

Alone - solo

Side - lado

Cheerful - alegre

Replace - sustituir

Release - estrenar

Fill - lleno

Terrified - aterrorizado

Wealth - riqueza

Ready - dispuesto

Rubish - basura

Recall - recordar

Actually - en realidad

Scary - miedo

Pick - elegir

Breathtaking - impresionante

Raise - criar

Unbeliavable -increible

Suffer - sufrir

Kind - clase / tipo

Sight - vista

Pressure - presión

Punish - castigo

Fit in - encajar

Several - varias

Pursue - perseguir

Often - a menudo

Altough - aunque

Annoy - molestar

Annoyed - molesto

Complain - quejarse

Book - reservar

Seldom - rara vez

Plain water - agua con gas

Shy - tímido

Tend to - tiende a

Trust - confiar

Boast - fanfarronear

Extravagant - extravagante

Stubbrn - testarudo

Jealous - celoso

Humourod - buen humor

Anpredictable - impredecible

Impacient - impaciente

Agree - estar de acuerdo

Mian - tacaño

Health - salud

Harm - lastimar

Great many - muchos

Stick - palo

Realise - darse cuenta

Even - inluso

Kindly - amable

Wish - deseo

Frightened - asustado

Seek - buscar

Revenage - venganza

Evil - malos

Have fun / enjoy / amuse - divertirse

Notice - anuncio / darse cuenta de

Resentful - resentido

Polite - educado / amable

Sensitive - sensible

Besides - además

Beside - al lado

Break down / fail - parar de trabajar

Call off / cancel - cancelar

Clean up - limpiar a fondo

Tidy thoroughly - ´´

Get over / recover from- recuperarse dego down - bajar

Go up - subir

Go round - visitar

Lie down - acostarse

Put back - devolver a su sitio

Put off - posponer

Take off - quitar /despegar (avión)

Mature - maduro

Handwriting - letra

Neat - ordenado

Truly - realmente

Childish - infantil

Charming - encantadora

Clever - listo

Argue - discutir / argumentar

Field - campo(de investigación)

Bother - molestar / preocupar

Delighted - encantado

Reward - recompensar

Bribe - sobornar

Swing doors - puertas batientes

Skin - piel

Rush - correr / precipitarse

Toward - hacia

At last - por fin

Operate on - operar

Brain - cerebro

Screw - entornar

Touched - conmovido

So / therefore - por tanto

Tobbogan - tobogán

Undone - desatado

Press - pulsar / pisar

Lace - cordón

Plaster - enyesar

Sprain - esguince

Wrist - muñeca

Ankle - tobillo

Tarjet - objetivo

Brands - marcas de (bebida…)

Thus - así

Encourage - animar

Tastes - sabores

Liver - hígado

Amounts - montones

Lead - ir a la cabeza / conducir

Lead - plomo

Profit - beneficio

Sickness - enfermedad

Belong to - pertenecer a

Skeletons - esqueletos

Choke - axfisiarse

Weake - débil

Weaken - debilitar

Sea-coal - carbón marino

Stench - hedor

Sort - especie

Smoke - humo

Ceaselessly - incesantemente

Sharp - afilada / ingeniosa

Rather - más bien

Stagnate - estancado

Narrow - estrecho

Foul-smeling -olor nauseabundo

Strem - manar

Sewage - aguas residuales

Increasingly - cada vez más

Increase - incrementar

Realized - consciente

Shore - costa

Landmark - hito

Scrible - garabatear

Meaningless - sin sentido

Bottom - fondo

Shape - forma

Angles - ángulos

Facts - hechos

In fact - de hecho

Brick - ladrillo

Helpless - indefenso

Curly - rizado

Tail - rabo

Affectionate - cariñoso

Flag - bandera

Briefly - en pocas palabras

Steady - tenaz

Whereas - mientras

Pile - amontonar

Trapped - atrapado

Approach - acercarse / aproximarse

Advice - consejo

Settle - resolver

Else - otra

Forgive - perdonar

Beg - pedir limosna

Attempt - intentar

Seek - buscar

Threaten - amenazar

Expect - esperar resultados

Fail - suspender

Prove - probar

Train - formar (educar)

Arrange - arreglar

Intend - tener intención de

Propose - proponer

Hate - odiar

Once a week - una vez a la semana

Behaviour - comportamiento

Behave yourself - pórtate bien

Cap - gorra

Shake hands - dar la mano

Vest - camiseta interior

Blouse - blusa

Worn out - desgastados

Bad tasty - mal gusto

Politician - político

For god's sake mian - por amor de dios

Break down - estropear

Give up - dejar prestado

At if best - en su esplendor

Hairquarter - lugar principal de la casa

Spoilt - mal criado

To be due - que algo va a llegar

Dust - polvo

Foreign - extranjero (adjetivo)

Foreigner - extranjero (nombre)

By chance - por casualidad

Rely - confiar

By study - mediante el estudio

Main - principal

Bored - aburrido

Confidence - confianza

A lift home - llevar a casa

Chance - oportunidad

Traffic jam - atasco

Rush hour - hora punta

Reliable - de fiar

Doubt - dudar

Tough - difícil, duro (tarea)

Regard - dar saludos

Loan - préstamo

Provid - con tal de que

Scratch - arañar

Fry - freír

Rub - frotar

Wire - cable

Wooden - de madera

Suck - chupar

Hik - hacer dedo

Pale - pálido

Shady - sombreado

Tie - atar / corbata

Bandage - vendaje

Wound - herida

Sunstroke - insolación

Straight - enderezar

Burn - quemadura

Carelessness - descuido

Poison - veneno

Fed up - harto

Foe - enemigo

Plange - zambullir

Mourning - luto

Publisher - editor

Overwhelmed - agobiada

Breathing - respiración

Empty - deshabitada

Faithful - fiel

Appeal - apelar

Striking - llamativo

Resemblance - parecido

Rest - descansar

Hurry up - darse prisa

Bracks - paréntesis

Looks like - se parece

Sled - trineo

Diver - bucear

Ad = advertisment - anuncio

Slight - ligera

Remarkable / outstanding - reseñable

Research - investigar

Commitment - compromiso

Praise - prestigio

Path - camino / sendero

Tell off - reñir

Slice - tostada

Tray - bandeja

Dish - fuente

Dishes - platos cocinados

Toppings - rellenos

Puff pasty - pasta hojaldrada

Dough - masa (para cocinar)

Supplies - provisiones

Salad bar - ensalada

Soggy - húmedo

Harmless - inofensivos

Worried - preocupado

Disappointed - decepcionado

Keen - interesado

Spicy - con especias

Waiter - camarero

Migraine - migraña

Achievment - logro

Unemployement - paro

Chain - cadena (de comercios)

Novel - original

Headlines - titulares

Settle in - asentarse

Wave - ondear

Alike - semejante

Standing - nivel de vida

Patterns - dibujos

Remain - permanecer

By mean - por medio

Bury - enterrar

Beyond - más allá

Boundaries - límites

Set up - instalar

Offender - delincuente

Failure - fracaso

Likely - probablemente

Trouble - problema

Be back - regresar

Commit - cometer

Maintain - mantener / conservar

Tuiton - enseñanza

Sheme - plan, tinglado

Workshop - taller de trabajo

Undisputed - indiscutible

Lack - flata

On behalf of - de parte de

Devote to - dedicar

Draw atention - llamar la atención

Upon - sobre

Whim - antojo

Alongside - al lado

Surrender - rendirse

Bitterness - amargura

Acquire - adquirir

Property - cualidad

At once - enseguida

Mood - estado de ánimo

Date - cita

Pregnat - embarazada

Holy - santo, religioso

Dare - atreverse

Rebel - deleitar

Despise - menospreciar

Cross-eyed - bizca

Braces - corrector bucal

Since then - desde entonces

Eversince - ´´ ´´

No matter - por mucho que

Puzzle - confundir, desconcertar

Find out - averiguar

All over the world - por todo el mundo

Towel - toalla

Bathrobe - albornoz

Soap - jabón

Modest - modesto

Tactful - discreto

Warm - afectuoso

Lazy - perezoso

Rigid - severo

Selfish - egoísta

Tactless - indiscreto

Vain - vanidoso

Fence - valla

Ability at - abilidoso en

Access to - acceso a

Admiration for - admiración por

Allergy to - alergia a

Alternative to - alternativa a

Answer to - respuesta a

Comment on - comentario sobre

Connection with - conexión con

Cure for - curación para

Danger of - peligro de

Decision on - decisión sobre

Difficulty with - dificultad con

Discussion about - discusión sobre

Effect on - efecto sobre

Example of - ejemplo de

The idea of - idea sobre

Influence on - influencia sobre

Interest on - interés en

Lack / shortage of - falta de

Love for - amor por

Need for - necesidad para

Proof of - prueba de

Quarrel with - pelea con

Skill at - habilidad en

Solution to - solución a

Succes in / a - éxito en

Sympathy for - simpatía por

The thought of - pensamiento de

Absorbed in - abstraído en

According to - de acuerdo a / al

Accustomed to - acostumbrado a

Afraid of - miedo de

Angry at - enfadado con

Anxious for - ansioso de

Ashamed of - avergonzado de

Aware of - cuidadoso de

Bad at / for - malo en / para

Capable of - capaz de

Confident of - seguro de

Exposed to - expuesto a

Fit for - idóneo para

Fond of - tecer afecto a

Frightened of - asustado de

Good at / for - bueno en / para

Ill with - enfermo de

Interested in - interesado en

Involved in - involucrado en

Keen on - loco por

Liable for / to - responsable de

Nevous of / about - nervioso por

Nice to - amable con

Owing to - debido a

Pleased with - satisfecho con

Polite to- amable con

Prepared for - preparado para

Proud of - orgulloso de

Ready for - listo para

Responsible for / to - responsable de

Rude to - maleducado con

Scared of - asustado de

Sorry for / about - compadecerse de

Successful in /at - exitoso en

Suspicious of - suspicaz de

Terrified of - miedoso de

Tired of - cansado de

Typical of - típico de

Used to - acostumbrado a

Worried about - preocupado sobre

Arrive at /in - llegar a

Long for - ansiar

Object to - poner reparos a

Occur to - ocurrírsele a

Blame somebody for - acusar a alguién

Comply with - acatar

Conform to - acatar

Consist of - constar de

Deal in - comerciar con

Depend on - depender de

Rely on - confiar en

Smile at - sonreír a

Succed in - triunfar en

Die of - morir de

Divide into - dividir entre

Dream of - soñar con

Insit on - insistir en

Laugh at - reírse de

Listen to - escuchar a

Live on - vivir de

Suffer from - sufrir de

Talk to - hablar a

Think of / about - pensar en

Warn somebody of / about - avisar de

Write to - escribir a

At any rate - de cualquier modo

At first - al principio

At first sight - a primera vista

At least - por lo menos

At once - enseguida

At present - actualmente

At school - en la escuela

At sea - en alta mar

At the same time - al mismo tiempo

At times - a veces

At war - en guerra

At work - en el trabajo

By accident - por accidente

By air - por aire

By all means - por supuesto

By bus - en autobús

By car - en coche

By day - de día

By land - por tierra

By mistake - por error

By night - por la noche

By plane - en avión

By post - por correo

By sea - por mar

By ship - en barco

By surprise - por sorpresa

By train - por tren

By yourself - por ti mismo

In a hurry - tener prisa

In any case - en ningún caso

In a way - en cierto modo

In bed - acostado

In common - en común

In danger - en peligro

In debt - en deuda

In general - en general

In half - por la mitad

In love - enamorado

In order - en orden a, en cuanto a

In other words - en otras palabras

In particular - en particular

In pieces - roto

In prison - en prisión

In private - en privado

In public - en público

In secret - en secreto

In sight - en vista

In tears - llorando

In the end - al final

In two - en dos

Off duty - libre de servicio

On a journey - de viaje

On business - de negocios

On duty - en servicio

On fire - en llamas

On foot - a pie

On holiday - de vacaciones

On purpose - a propósito

On sale - en venta

On the one hand - por un lado

On the other hand - por otro lado

On the whole - en general

On time - a tiempo (justo a tiempo)

Out of breath -sin aliento

Out of control - fuera de control

Out of danger - fuera de peligro

Out of date - fuera de fecha / anticuado

Out of order - estropeado

Out of place - fuera de lugar

Out of practice - desentrenado

Out of sight - fuera de vista

Out of question - imposible

Out of work - sin trabajo

Under control - bajo control

Up to date - hasta la fecha

Os adxectivos rematados en -ed refírense a que o suxeito ten esa cualidade (eu,ti, el…). Por contra os adxectivos rematados en -ing refírense a que algo ten esa cualidade.

Por ex.:

I'm bored. Eu estou aburrido

The book is boring. O libro é aburrido



  • `He went to France to learn french'


  • with a negative infinitive to express a negative purpose

  • `He came in quetly so as not to wake the child'

  • with `to be' and `to have'

  • `He left work early in order to be at home when she arrived'

    *in order > when there are a number of words betwen the main verb and the infinitive of purpose.

    `He took much more trouble over the figures than he usually did in order to show his new boss what a careful worker he was'

  • FOR + gerund

  • to express the general purpose of a thing.

    `a corkscrew is a tool for opening bottles'

    (*but for a particular purpose we use the infinitive)

    `I'm looking for a corkscrew to open this bottle'


  • when the person to whom the purpose refers is mentioned.


    -can /will >main verb in present perfect

    So that + future tense

    -could / would >main verb in past tense

    `They make 10 notes a different size from 5 notes so that blind people can tell the difference between them'

    `I pinned the note to his pillok so that he would be sure to see it.'


    WHEN / WHILE `As I was getting into the car, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor.'

    As from (a partir de)

    `As from nexth month all the airlines fares will be going up.'

    ALTOUGH with special word-order

    `Angry as he was, he coulden't help smiling.'

    LIKE as > conj. > followed by a `clause'.

    `She is a fine singer, as her mother used to be.'

    `noun' `I'm very like my brother'

    Like > prep. > followed by

    `pronoun' `my sister isn't much like me'

    `Do as I say'

    `He got divorced as his parents had done years before'

    `As with his earlier movies, the special effects in his latest film

    are brilliant'

    `As is often the case with children, Anny was completely better

    by the time the doctor arrived'

    REASON because as / since > when the reason is well-known or is less

    since important than the rest of the sentence.

    > They often begin the sentence.

    `I'm leaving because I'm fed up'

    `As women were not supussed to be novelist, she took the name

    George Eliot'

    `Since you refuse to coopperate, I shall be forced to take legat


    `As I don't speak Arabe…'

    `I can't come as I have an appointment'

    (ya que, puesto que…)


    THE GOT OF A `He worked as a bus-driver for six-month'



    AS `He went to the fancy-dress party dressed as a banane!'

    AS IF / THOUGH `She looked as if / as though she'd had some bad news'

    AS LONG AS `I'll stay with you as long as there is a room free'

    AS A MATTER `Actually' (to introduce a surprising / unexpected / piece of

    OF FACT information)

    `Who was elected?. Well as a matter of fact, I was'

    `Mary's pretty bright. As a matter, her teacher told me that she's certain to get a university place this year'

    BESIDES ·Adverbio `Además' `I don't feel like going and besides, I've no


    `She won't mind your being late, besides it's hardly your fault'

    · Preposición :

    `As well as' > `además que'

    `Besides being ugly he's a lousy actor'

    `Except' > `excepto', `aparte de'

    `Nobody was in besides your parents'

    `Do you play any other sports besides ice-skating and darts'

    `They told me that she has two other cars besides the one she

    drives to work'

    MOREOVER Adverbio > to add information (also and more imortantly)

    `It was a good car, and it was, moreover, a fair price they were a

    sking for it'

    FURTHERMORE Adverbio > in addition

    `I suggest we go to the Italian Restaurant, it's very good and

    furthermore it's very cheap'

    `I don't know what happened to Rupert Ford and furthermore I

    don't care'

    BUT ·Conjunción:


    `I would have phoned but I didn't have your number'

    `Sinó'(darifying a negative statement)

    `They had not one, but three houses'


    `Menos', `Excepto'

    `He ate all but one of the cakes'

    `She is anything but stupid'

    `No one but you would have thougth that'

    `I had no choice but to tell her'

    `*But for him, I would have given up study in'

    (si no fuera por él…)

    IN SPITE OF/ Preposición `Although'


    In spite of his injury Ricardo will play in Saturday's match'

    `She was in spite of fame and fortune, basically an unhappy


    `Well it was a good holiday in spite of everything'

    `She started to laugh, in spite of herself'

    `Despite the cold wind, they went out without their coats'

    `Despite repeated a surancer that the product is safe many people

    have stopped buying it'

    `Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding'

    `The missing boy, the search party still went on looking'

    `He managed to eat a big lunch despite having eaten an enormous


    Verbos que rixen -ING

    Admit, confess, deny, appreciate, forgive, avoid, delay, postpone, dislike, enjoy, fancy, finish, imagine, consider, involve, justify, excuse, miss, practise, mind, risk, suggest, prevent.

    `He suggested going to the theatre'

    `He tired to avoid answering my question'

    `When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early'

    `Have you ever consider going to live in another country'

    `I don't fancy going out this evening.'

    O resto dos verbos rixen, ou ben -TO INFITIVE, ou ben ambos. Polo tanto chega con aprenderse os que rixen -ING que son menos e ó resto poñe-los sempre con -TO INFINITIIVE.

    Isto cúmprese sempre, excepto nos seguintes verbos, que cambian o seu significado dependendo se o segue un verbo en -ING ou en -TO INFINITIVE:


    -ING > I did it and now I remember this.(memoried of the past)

    `I am absolutely sure I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it.'

    `I can't remember posting the letter, perhaps it's still in my coat pad.'

    -TO INFINTIVE > You remember to do something before you do it.

    `Please, remember to post the letter.(first remember then do it)


    -ING > I did it and now I'm sorry about it.(lamento algo que ya he hecho)

    `I now regret saying what I said I shouldn't have said it'

    -TO INFINITIVE > I'm sorry that I have to say…(lamento algo que va a ocurrir).

    `We regret to inform you that we are unable offer you the job'

    GO ON

    -ING > Continue doing the same thing

    `The minister went on talking for two hours'

    -TO INFINITIVE > Do or say something now

    `After discussing the economy, the minister then went on to talk about foreign policy'


    -ING > To do something which might solve the problem.

    -`The photocopier doesn't seem to be working'

    -`Try pressing the green button'

    -TO INFINITIVE > Attempt to do…make an effort. A test / experiment.

    `I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't.'


    -ING > To end an action.

    `There's too much noise. Can you all stop talking, please?'

    -TO INFINITIVE > Stop, so you can do something.

    `An old man walking along the road stopped to talk to us.'


    -ING > Something needs to be done.

    `The batteries in the radio need changing.'

    `Do you think my jacket needs cleaning?'

    -TO INFINITIVE > It is necessary to do it.

    `I need to talk more exercise'

    `He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress?'



    Es traducción literal en toda la frase.




    `If you study a lot you will have a great succes'

    `Come with me if you want'

    `You will put on weight if you continue eating so much'


    Solo se traduce literalmente la 2ª parte de la frase. La 1ª parte se traduce como el imperfecto de subjuntivo del español.



    MAY(puede que)

    MIGHT(podría ser que)

    `If I studied I would pass the exam'(si yo estudiase aprobaría el examen). (la acción aún puede suceder).


    La acción ya sucedió y ya no tiene remedio.


    HAD se traduce como HUBIERA O HUBIESE

    `If I had studied I would have passed the exam'

    `If I had known your phone number I would have called you'

    `I would have bought you the dictonary if you had told me that you needed it'

    `The accident wouldn't have happened if the driver had watched the traffic lights'




    `My father can speak three foreign languages'


    `One day people will be able to run a km in 2 minutes'

    `I could play the piano when I was a child'

    `I haven't been able to find a job'

    *A particular situation

    In the past (to manage)


    CAN (always possible)

    `You can ski on the hills'

    MAY (perhaps it will happen)

    `We may go climbing in the Alps next summer'

    MIGHT (less probable)

    `Peter might phone. If he does, could you ask him to ring me again later?'

    SHOULD (quite probable)

    `I've got only two exams left. I should finish work early today'= (I will probably finish)

    *Other structures

    `It's likely to run tomorrow'

    `Perhaps it will rain tomorrow'


    MUST (we are sure about something)

    `There is the doorbell. It must be Roger'

    SHOULD (expect something)

    `She's been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass'

    CAN'T (negative deduction)

    `That can't be the postman. It's only seven o'clock'



    `Will you post these letters?'


    `Would you pass me the salt?'



    `Shall I carry your bag?'


    `Would you like to come to dinner?'



    `We musn't smoke here'


    `You can't shout in a hospital'


    `We aren't allowed to speak to the driver'



    Present simple `They wash the car' `The car is washed'

    Present continuous `They are washing the car' `The car is being washed'

    Present perfect `They have washed the car' `The car has been washed'

    Past simple `They washed the car' `The car was washed'

    Past continuous `They were washing the car' `The car was being washed'

    Past perfect `They had washed the car' `The car had been washed'

    Future `They will wash the car' `The car will be washed'

    `They're going towash the car' `The car is going to be washed'

    Mainly in informal english

    · GET + PARTICIPLE To emphasize an action or change

    Something happening by accident

    `Lots of postman get bitten by dogs'

    `I am always getting chosen for the unpleasant jobs'

    It is said the bridge is unsafe

    · People say the bridge is unsafe

    The bridge is said to be unsafe

    `People say that John Wilson lives in New York'

    `John Wilson is said to live in New York'

    `People say that John Wilson is travelling in Africa'

    `John Wilson is said to be travelling in Africa'

    `People say that John Wilson arrived in Africa'

    `John Wilson is said to have arrived in Africa'


    IDENTIFYNG (especificativas)

    WHO > personas


    WHICH > cosas

    Estas frases van sin comas. Podemos emitir el relativo en un caso.

    `The woman who lives upstairs is my friend'

    `The river which flows through Zamora is very long'

    ADDING (explicativas)

    WHO > personas

    WHICH > cosas

    Estas frases van con comas. No podemos omitir el relativo.

    `The man who you met yesterday is my friend Bernard'

    `The person who / whom the police were questioning has now been released'


    `Jeremy is the boy whose passport was out of date'

    `The girl whose photo was in the paper lives in our street'

    `Mary was looking after a dog whose leg had been broken in an accident'


    `The shop didn't have what I wanted'

    `What we haven't done today we can finish tomorrow'




    Enviado por:Lucas Carro
    Idioma: castellano
    País: España

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