


Happiness is something that depends on our attitude towards the things life presents to us, is not something that appears spontaneously and sometimes it touches us or not".


  • Introduction

  • Happiness is something that depends on our attitude towards the life presents to us, is not something that appears spontaneously and sometimes it touches us or not.

  • Background ideas about happiness

  • Philosophers

  • Complex idea

  • Materialism

  • Have

  • Don't have

  • Important things on life

  • Genetic code of Optimism

  • Satisfaction and Flows Politic

  • Forgiveness and Altruism

  • Science researches about happiness

  • Happiness' formula

  • Facts

  • Conclusion

  • Sometimes we felt that what we do is just

    a single drop in the sea, but, the sea would

    be less if it needed a drop.......

    No life is completely satisfactory and is very common to do to ourselves the uncomfortable question about happiness. For today many people as philosophers has made, and has tried to answer questions related whit happiness. What is happiness? Ancient, historical and contemporary philosophical attitudes toward happiness and the "different modes in which happiness may be achieved" are considered. The happiest people spend a least time alone. Physical health, assumed as the key of happiness, only has an impact if people are very ill. Objective health measures don't relate to life satisfaction, but subjective feelings do. Flow is the term where people in run may be a life of many activities. In flow is likely to be a life of great satisfaction; flow is also, as happy people consider many activities. Everyone has strength areas, and use them make people happy. New science shows how to inject real happiness into your life. Scientist lasted decades researching about depression and the results have helped a lot of people to become less sad, but not more happy. Today concerning to take care about the happiness and focuses on humanity's strengths rather than its weaknesses, and seeks to help people lift in the range of happiness and achievement, however, a growing body of psychologists is taking the mystery out of happiness and the search for the good life. British psychologists Pete Cohen and Carol Rothwell made a survey between thousand people with the objective of knowing which are the factors most important to reach the happiness. Happiness = P + (5XE) + (3XN). Development optimism is a way to help hope and happiness increase. Learn optimism is to teach optimistic thinking styles to people incident on depression.

    Happiness is something that depends on our attitude towards the life presents, is not something that appears spontaneously and sometimes it touches us or not. A not clear picture of what makes people happy is coming into focus as psychologists. In the ends of 90s, scientific journals published about 100 studies on sadness for every one study on happiness. But the hypothesis about why some people are happy while others are not, are in continuous:

    To answer the apparently, simple but inquiring question, "Are you happy?" require considerable reflection and throw one into the predicament of self-analysis, or maybe better, to leave the question unanswered. No life is completely satisfactory, and is common to do to ourselves the uncomfortable question about happiness, for today many people as philosophers has made and tried to answered questions related with happiness, What is happiness? How should it be pursued?

    Aristotle, the Stoics, Saint Augustine, and the American Founding Fathers, among many others, all tackled these questions....For the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), happiness was simply impossible without virtue. Happiness, he maintained, was an incidental experience consequent upon pursuing what is good and true....The Stoics (ancient philosophers of both Greece and Rome, c. 108 B.C. to c. A.D. 180), no less than Aristotle, stressed the relation between happiness and virtue....Surveying the modern period, we find that emphasis is placed less on virtue than on the social conditions presumed to be a source of happiness." Ancient, historical and contemporary philosophical attitudes toward happiness and the "different modes in which happiness may be achieved" are considered. The connection between the acquisition of personal property and human fulfillment, as formulated by John Locke, is discussed (Dougherty, 2003. Pp. 239 - 249). All those ideas and references are a kind of the first studies about happiness.

    The happiest people spend a least time alone. They follow personal growth and intimacy; they judge themselves by their own standards; never against what others do or have. To have or not to have are important words now a days. The materialism is toxic for happiness. The true wealth resides in spirit, and not in the material goods that we have. The simplest things of life have been substitute by materialism. Friends, family, love, etc. They seem like non-important things because of the money, but unfortunately money can't buy them. Even rich materialists are not as happy as those who doesn't care about get and spend.

    Some people try to look on the good and bright side, even if they lose their jobs, have a terrible disease or have big problem. But, there are others that like to live in darkness all year for no apparent reason. Scientist affirms that a person's optimism level is about half genetic code, but that is impossible. If the optimism resides on the physical and genetic things, when we talked about what is in the genetic code, it does not mean that optimism is formed by adenine and cytosine. It is not so important part of us, but if it would be when we lose it, also we lose our functions in the life, we lose the existence course.

    Physical health, assumed as the key of happiness, only has an impact if people are very ill. Objective health measures don't relate to life satisfaction, but subjective feelings do. Good feelings are not just all there in the head though, actions matter, just not in the way often believed. Life satisfaction occurs more often when people are busy in absorbing activities causing to them to forget themselves, lose track of time and stop worrying. Flow is the term where people in run. Maybe a life with many activities produces a satisfactory life. Flow is also, as happy people consider, many activities. “The state of intense concentration that occurs during challenging, goal-directed activities…..Flow can arise from pastimes, like playing sports or music, but also from reading and good conversation.”(Morris, 2001.Pp. 46-55) People feel best when doing what they do best. Everyone has strength areas, and use them make people happy. Doing so can lead to choices that amaze others but give up lasting satisfaction of feel happiness when they do best.


    Other researchers have found that learning to appreciate even small pleasures has the same effect. And forgiveness is the most strongly characteristic linked to happiness "It's the queen of all virtues, and probably the hardest to come by”( Lemonick, 2003). There is also an evidence of the altruistic acts increase happiness on the people who is giving. That doesn't surprise; the altruism is a merit keeping on mind over the holidays. Our best slogan of happiness is “do for others”.

      New science shows how to inject real happiness into your life. Scientist lasted decades researching about depression and the results have helped a lot of people to become less sad, but not more happy. Today, concerning to take care about the happiness and focuses on humanity's strengths, rather than its weaknesses, and seeks to help people lift in the range of happiness and achievement. However, a growing body of psychologists is taking the mystery out of happiness and the search for the good life. British psychologists Pete Cohen and Carol Rothwell made a survey between thousand people with the objective of knowing which are the factors most important to reach the happiness. The result was summarized in this equation:

    Happiness = P + (5XE) + (3XN),

    in where the variable "P" it represents the personal characteristics like the philosophy of life and the capacity of adaptation and resistance. "E" it represents the existence. It includes the health, the financial stability and the friendships. In the equation, this one is the most important variable and for that reason it is multiplied by 5. And "N" it represents the high-priority necessities. It covers the self-esteem, the expectations and ambitions that we have in the life and the sense of humor. In agreement with the equation, this variable bond by 3. Seem thus, the happiness has to do, on the one hand, with a series of goals and on the other hand, with the way to see the life. Cohen and Roothwel fundament it researches in the next information:

    “In order to know what so happy is with base in this equation, it is necessary to answer with all honesty four questions, and each answer must occur in a scale from the one to the ten.

    1. Are you opened, flexible and ready to change?

    2. It has a positive attitude, recovers express of difficult situations and thinks that it has his life under control?

    3. Are satisfied the basic necessities with their life in relation to their personal health, its economic situation, its freedom of election and its paper in the community?

    4. It can count on the support of people near you, to compenetrar with which does, to fulfill its expectations and to participate in activities that make it be useful?

    Answered each question, which follows is to solve the equation using the points from the one to the 10 of each answer. Thus, the value of "P" it is the sum of the points given of answers one and two. Later, 5 by "E" it is the points that it has obtained in answer 3, multiplied by 5. And finally, 3 by "N" it is the points obtain from answer 4, multiplied by 3. The three results are added and the number that is obtained is its percentage of happiness. In order to clarify a little more, we suppose that somebody responds with 10 to each one of the 4 questions. Following the procedure that we finished describing, the result of the equation would say that that person is 100 happy percents” (Lemonick , 2003).

    People tend to rationalize bad things, quickly adapting to new realities. They also visualize future events in loneliness, but real life be full with many experiences that reduce the impact of any loneliness. If you know exactly what the future held, you still would not know how much you would like it when you got there. In pursuing happiness, we should have more trust in our own spirit and less confidence in our predictions about how we'll feel. Development optimism is a way to help, hope and happiness increase. Optimism predisposes people toward positive emotions where pessimism is a Petri dish for depression. Optimism a good view of life without concerning bad things that happen to us in the life. Tthe optimism is a form to see the life; in where bad is accepted as good and good as an excellent . Learn optimism is to teach optimistic thinking styles to people incident on depression. Optimism is sticky skills, and once you start using them, you feel better, and you keep using them. We should be a bit more modest and a bit braver. In order to obtain the happiness as something that depends on our attitude towards the life presents, and not in something that appears spontaneously and leaves in the same way.

    Enviado por:Ariadnna
    Idioma: inglés
    País: México

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