
Don't look now; Daphne du Maurier

TÍTULO: Don't look now

AUTOR: Daphne du Maurier

EDITORIAL: Penguin Readers

LEVEL: 2 Elementary (500 words)


John and Laura are on holiday, in Venice. Their daughter, Christine, death and they need time- time to forget, time to live again and be happy.

But it's not going to be easy. When they see two tall, thin and old women again and again. They know that something is wrong. And then the women say Christine is here, with them.

They are all time watching them. Laura y John pursue them to see if they can to discover anything important. But the time run and they have to return to the hotel. When they arrived at the hotel, the recepcionist gave him an envelope.The note said that the Christine's husband was ill in hospital, but there was not very dangerous.

When they went to the hotel room, Laura rang to the doctor. He said her that there was to practice a small operation. Laura went out suddenly from the room, but John went with her.

Before that arrive the hospital, the pair of old and strange women tried to kill her, but John got that those persons could't kill to Laura. After that Laura and John told the difficult situation passed and they rest with Christine's husband in his hospital room.


Al tratarse de un libro de suspense me ha sido ameno y entretenido de leer, porque es el tema que más me gusta.

Enviado por:Iván Rayco Valls
Idioma: inglés
País: España

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