
English exercices

The Phantom of the Opera

'The Phantom of the Opera # El fantasma de la Ópera'

'The Phantom of the Opera # El fantasma de la Ópera'

Questions on the Text

Chapter 1

What was the Opera House like? The Opera House was charmed because there´s a phantom who walks inside like a shadow.

Why did people think there was a ghost in the Opera House? Because they listen a noise and isn´t anybod; and because the message´s of the Ghost.

What did the ghost have in the Opera House? A private box.

Chapter 2

Monsieur Poligny showed the new managers a letter.

What did the letter say? “Box Five must be empty for the Opera Ghost for every performance.”

Chapter 3

What did the new managers think about the first letter they both received from the Opera Ghost? That it was a trick by Debienne and Poligny.

Why did people in the audience get angry and call the police? Because there was a lot of noise in the Box Five.

What did the ghost give Madame Giry at the end of a performance?

Two francs.

Chapter 4

Why did Raoul decide go to Pellon? Because Christine go to Pellon and he wanted to see her.

Who did Raoul see when he looked out of the window in the middle of the night? A figure with a skeleton mask and eyes like a fire.

Chapter 5

What will the ghost do if the managers take no notice of his conditions?

He will put a curse on the theatre.

Chapter 6

What did Raoul wear when he went to the ball? The some figure that Raoul saw at the Church in Pellon, a figure with a skeleton mask and eyes like a fire.

Where did Raoul hide when he entered Christine´s dressing-room?

Chapter 7

Why did Raoul go to Christine´s home? Because he was worried about her.

Chapter 8

How often did Raoul and Christine meet after Raoul said he was going to the North Pole? In a month.

What did Raoul want to see? Lower part of the Opera House.

Chapter 9

Where did the Opera Ghost take Christine? In a room full of flowers.

Who is both the Opera Ghost and the Angel of Music? Erik.

Why does Erik tell Christine that he cannot let her go after seeing his face?

Because he has a terrible face,with 4 black instead of eyes, a nose and

a mouth.

Who does Christine love, Erik or Raoul? Raoul.

Chapter 10

What did Raoul see in the dark? He saw two strange eyes in the dark.

Chapter 11

What happened when the stage went dark? Christine disappeared.

What did Raoul feel when he entered the managers´ office?

A hand on his shoulder.

Chapter 12

What did the police inspector think about Christine´s disappearance?

The inspector think that the brother of Raoul took Christine in his carriage and left Paris.

Chapter 13

Why does Erik hate people? He hates people because they are frightened of him.

What did the Persian give Raoul? A pistol.

Chapter 14

Why can´t Raoul and the Persian enter the room where Christine is? Because the door was invisible.

Why can´t Christine get to the door and open it? Because Erik tied her up.

Chapter 15

What did Raoul and the Persian see at the bottom of the stairs? Barrels.

What was inside the barrels? Gunpowder.

What was the gunpowder in the barrels for? To blow up the Opera House when it was full of people.

Chapter 16

How did Count Philippe die? Erik killed him.

Why didn´t Erik kill the Persian and Raoul? Christine begged Erik to save Raoul and The Persian.

What did Erik decide to do at the end of the story? Erik is a dead phantom and he goes to the Opera House, but now is happy, because Christine cried for her.

The Persian sent a message to Raoul and Christine. What did it say?

“Erik is dead”


This book tells the story of the Opera Ghost, with a white mask and eyes of fire and young opera singer, her name is Christine and she loves Raoul.

The Opera House was opened in the 1870s in Paris and the people said that there´s a Phantom inside, who see the performance in the Box 5.

The ghost is very angry because the manager sell his private box.

The real name of the ghost is Erik but everybody both him Opera Ghost or the Angel of Music. Erik lives in the cellars of the Opera House and sleeps in a coffin. He puts a mask because her face was bony with holes in the eyes, mouth and nouse.

The ghost loves one singer named Christine, but Christine loves Raoul.

The ghost one day take Chritine, but Raoul, with the aid of the Persian and the Police men, safe Christine to be with the ghost for always.

In the final of the story the Persian discover that Erik is dead because is a phantom and send a messege to Raoul and put: “Erik is dead”.


El libro trata del fantasma que vive en la Opera de Paris desde hace años y tiene un palco privado para ver las representaciones.

Un dia le venden el palco y como se enfada escribe a los responsables de la Opera, que no estaban al tanto con el asunto del fantasma.

Viendo una representacion se enamora de una de las cantantes: Christine y en plena obra, cuando todo esta oscuro, la rapta y la lleva a donde el vive, debajo de escenario, en un lugar tétrico donde hay un ataúd para dormir.

Christine siente un poco de compasion por Erik, que así se llama el fantasma, pero ella está enamorada de Raoul.

Al poco tiempo de estar prisionera del fantasma Raoul y the Persian la savan.

Erik queda contento porque Christine lo besa y no siente miedo por él. Vuelve a la Opera pero ya no tiene intenciones de quemarla ni nada parecido porque ahora es más feliz que antes cuando todo el mundo sentía pánico al verle.

Como se gustan, Christine y Raoul acaban juntos. The Persian les comunica que Erik a muerto, cuando en realidad ya estaba muerto, porque era un fantasma, y ellos quedan contentos y juntos.

Enviado por:Amaia G
Idioma: inglés
País: España

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